Instagram has a potential advertising reach of 849.3 million. It is important that you keep in mind certain etiquettes while you are trying to woo these many potential followers:
#1 Make interactions fun
Just posting content on your feed is not enough to gain the trust of your followers. Regular interaction and engagement are necessary if you want them to develop an affinity towards your business. You can engage with your followers by replying to their comments, answering their queries and sharing their posts or stories that promote your business. Showing your followers that you appreciate them spending time on your feed will go a long way in building a loyal customer base as a personal bond will come into existence.
However, do not be mundane in your interactions. Don’t just use emojis to reply to their comments. Add some quirky statements that are bound to catch their attention. In any case, make sure that you don’t ignore your followers as it will lead to a loss of faith in your business.
#2 Don’t copy or steal
Since childhood, we’ve been taught that stealing is wrong. Don’t forget this lesson when posting pictures on your feed or you might land in some serious trouble. It’s important that you focus on developing your own unique content to attract followers and customers. But if you see some content that is quite relevant to your business, don’t just simply copy it without the permission of the creator.
It takes a lot of hard work to develop content that can be liked by hundreds of people. If someone just copies this content without even giving credit to the creator, there are bound to be consequences. If you do need to use a content writing service, talk to them about it and only if you get their permission should you repost it on your feed. If you fail to do this, you might not only face the wrath of your followers but could also face legal action from the creator.
#3 Post in a right balance
If you feel that you can create high-quality content and then simply sit back and relax, you are grossly mistaken. If you post too much, no matter how great your content is, many of your followers might get annoyed by repeatedly seeing your posts on their feed. If you are using an Instagram bot to automate posting and commenting on others’ posts, you need to configure it to appear natural and not overdo it. Moreover, posting too much content in a day will give the impression that you do not have a clear vision and are grasping at straws to see what works out.
What you can do instead of posting too much, is to utilize the Stories feature. Many people visit stories of the pages they follow. This will provide you with a unique opportunity of sharing the content you desire without spamming the feeds of your followers. Also, when using stories, you will be able to increase your likes as many potential followers will visit your stories before they go through your profile.
#4 Make your brand voice heard
Establishing a brand style is not a day’s work. It takes time to develop an aesthetic that suits your business and is appreciated by your followers as well. But when you do establish your brand’s unique voice, make sure that it’s heard loud and clear. Let all your posts, stories, comments, and replies follow the same aesthetic and your followers will become more appreciative of your style and your brand will formulate an image for itself that you desire.
Instagram is a more personal platform as compared with other marketing platforms, this provides you with a unique opportunity to make people more aware of what your brand voice is. Let your profile be a visual representation of your brand voice and provide a deeper insight into your business
#5 Keep the ‘grid’ in mind.
Whenever someone visits your profile, the first thing they see is your ‘grid.’ It’s a view of all your posts in a grid pattern. In order for this grid to look beautiful and attractive, you need to focus on maintaining a consistent tone for all your posts. If your posts are not following the same style, the grid will fail to appease the users and they might not even go through your posts.
In order to follow a similar tone, you first need to be clear about your brand voice. Once this is done, you can focus on finding colour schemes and patterns that reflect this voice. Make sure that you use the same colour scheme for all your posts to make the grid pleasing to the eye. This will help attract new followers and thus, new customers.
#6 Don’t ignore your bio.
Your bio is what gives people an idea of what your page and business is all about. It needs to provide some information about your brand that will motivate the user to go through your profile and become a follower. However, an informative bio doesn’t mean that you have to make it boring by writing about the technical aspects of your business. Provide essential info in a quirky and fun way to capture the users’ imagination and convert them into a customer.
Whenever you post, keep these rules in mind and your profile and business will be affected positively.