Ways of promoting your mobile app

promoting your mobile app

No matter what you use – Android or iOS, chances are – you have already understood that it is way easier to use a smartphone than a laptop for basic needs. With this thought in mind, the number of app store users grows as well as the number of apps. PlayMarket has 2.1 million of them, AppStore – 1.8 million, Windows Store – 669 thousand, Amazon – 475 thousand, and Blackberry Store – 234 thousand. Customers have a wide range of choices in each category so the competition inevitably grows. That’s why for the effective audience engagement, you’ll need to target different channels and adopt versatile marketing strategies. If you are everywhere, people will remember you even if they won’t use your product immediately. It is brand awareness what most companies target now. Strong relationships with clients are built gradually and thus the best strategy would be to make your product user-friendly and of high quality. However, even with the best features and the greatest design, the first stages of user engagement is hard. So be patient and read how you can promote your mobile app when nobody knows about it. Yet. 

  1. App Store Optimization (ASO). 

App store is your apps’ home. That’s exactly where users will look for them. They will enter the “sleep cycle” in Play Market first, and only then in Google. So, app store optimization is the primary thing to consider at the beginning of your marketing journey. ASO includes elements like title, icon, keywords, promo videos, screenshots, and reviews. There are certain rules about how to use all these tools so that the audience actually finds your app. Here are several of them:

  • App Icon. Choose high-res and unique picture, without text that focuses on one point. It should give users an understanding of what your app can offer them. Remember, icon + name = app’s purpose. 
  • The description must contain relevant keywords, bullet points with features. Keep it simple so that readers understand it instantly. Be sure to include awards you have and reviews from its early users. If you target different countries – make copies of descriptions for each language. 
  • Screenshots. They should display the most enticing features of your app and be greatly designed. Use all slots available for them (5 for App Store, 8 for Play Market). Do not overwhelm your users and include only 1 feature per 1 screenshot. Also, add one simple sentence on top of each picture, describing the feature. 
  • Optimize “What’s new” section at least once a month.

2. Reviews. 

“Low scores and bad reviews may not be a 100% indicator of an app quality”, you think at some point in your life, however, it does make you doubt. You download the app, understand “haters” were right, and live with the thought that the best applications have the highest reviews. It is true. And the problem is there is no other way of getting good feedback except for providing a good-quality app in terms of design, performance, and support. However, even if everything is okay, people rarely write positive comments. Everything works, why bother? 

That’s why to get the feedback you need to implement several strategies.

  1. Pop up windows. “Do you like this app? Yes/No, explain why” etc. 
  2. Give bonuses and discounts for the left comment. Games can some free-from-ads time, shops – 20% off for dresses for three days, productivity apps – free usage for a week, for example. 
  3. Awards, awards, awards.

Got negative feedback? First of all, never delete it because the reviewer will surely notice and write another comment – this time about you deleting the message. Be open to criticism. How else would you find out about your app’s drawback? First, breathe in and breathe out then ask what’s the problem. Offer a solution or state that you are working on redesign/debugging/adding more features/returning the money. Show that you care about solving the problem. Plus, always be polite. If the negative reviewer will get back to using your app after improvements – it’s your win. 

  1. Social media integration.

I [a writer of this article] spend 6 hours a day on Instagram and Facebook, usually. In less than a month I made 4 purchases: 1 T-Shirt, 2 books, and 1 eLearning course on writing. Also, sometimes I do download the apps that emerge in the recommendations. There are two ways here – target advertisements and influencers’ recommendations. For ads, you will need to create a catchy video with a convincing offer in several seconds (for stories) or minutes (for posts). Facebook’s algorithms work well in targeting your audience. However, you will have to clearly define it (from region to age and interests). Blogger’s integration is more effective because it uses the effect of a review from a trusted person. This is not some no-name @hjh2`2. This is THE BLOGGER, who advised you to buy these sneakers and that purse, and they turned out great. Why not trusting them with an app?

Product listing websites. 

Cannot find anything? Have you tried googling it? 

That’s the second place we refer to for apps, and we are writing “TOP ten blah-blah apps” because you want the best, don’t you. There are certain blogs, websites, networks, and communities whose recommendations matter to average users. PCMag, Digital Trends, MacMost, AppGrooves – apply for a review or write about yourself on blogs where it’s allowed. The more presence you have on different channels on the Internet (not only app store), the more people you get. 

More complex types of promoting apps are creating complex marketing strategies, target YouTube, and make high-quality creative videos. You can try adding Internet of Things integration or apply the “Burst campaign”. After all, you can hire a PR company!

We’ve described things you can do on your own. In conclusion, here are the most frequent ways people find out about apps.

  1. Browsing in-app store
  2. Speaking with friends
  3. Browsing for top-rated apps on Google
  4. Finding out from social networking websites
  5. Reading blogs

However, remember, that if your app leaves much to be desired, even the best marketing campaign won’t yield the results. To improve the tech part of your app – be sure to contact SapientPro