How to Write a Blog

Write a Blog

Microsoft founder and billionaire, Bill Gates once said the if your business is not on the internet, you are not in business. The best place to start is in writing a blog on topics related to your brand. When most people start, they imagine it going viral after the first post. The process of writing a great blog requires practice and patience. 

In this article, we will look at the best tips to help you write a blog post for the modern audience. If you want to read the history of blogs in advance, you can follow this link.

The Dos of Writing A Blog

No matter the reason for starting a blog, you will need to follow some guidelines to ensure that you produce valuable content for your readers. Here are the various things you need to follow when writing a blog:

Be Focused and Relatable

be focus

This is not limited to being in the right mindset to write but focusing on the ideal target audience. After this, you can now focus your attention on the type of content that will resonate with them. 

Whichever niche you choose, you need to present the content in a relatable way to the readers. Harnessing this focus requires you to be yourself through each stage right from sourcing content ideas to the way you write it and do content marketing. 

Use White Hat SEO

You need to ensure that you are using the proper SEO techniques to increase traffic to your blog. The white hat SEO techniques are many and diverse. However, you could start by adding links to authority sites and blog posts in your niche. This will increase your search engine ranking resulting in more clicks.

Add Images

Even though your traffic is looking for information on your blog, you must stimulate them visually. However, not all posts will require an image, but for those that do, ensure that you add a relevant and captivating picture with appropriate captions. 

Always Respond to Blog Comments

The comments section is where you get to connect with your readers and visitors. For this reason, you need to reply to all comments that need a response. However, most bloggers ignore negative comments, and this hurts their reputation. Even for the comments that do not require an answer, you could reply with, ‘Thanks for reading the blog.’

Share on Social Media

Getting traffic to your website is much harder today than it was a couple of years ago. As a blogger, social media is your best friend. This is the best avenue to connect with your current and target readers. For this reason, ensure to share your posts on all social media networks and invite the readers to view more of your blog.

What to Avoid 

With that said, knowing what to do is one thing and knowing what not to do is another This section looks at the things you should not do to complement the things you should do.

Limiting the Word Count

One of the reasons for writers’ block is because most writers try to limit what they have to say in a set number of words. Readers today prefer to get posts that offer all the information in one post. Longer posts are best, but you can always get away with shorter pieces. 

For example, recipes will not take more than a couple of hundred worlds. The bottom line is that you need to use simple language and say it in the least number of words.

Keep It Short

Long paragraphs and sentences make the post unreadable, and they increase the chances of making grammar mistakes. Images and other types of media will help improve the post’s readability. You should also break up the text with bullet lists, and subheadings. This will also help the reader to skim the content and increase the chances of share it. 

new thing

Try New Things Occasionally

After a while, you must try new things. However, this does not mean that you take a whole different turn with the blog. However, you need to follow the trends shaping your industry. This will ensure that you provide relevant information to the readers’ most pressing needs. 


Writing a blog is not easy, and you will occasionally get writer’s block. However, you need to practice and improve your writing. We hope that the above tips and recommendations will be of help. However, you will need to read this article  to understand more about finding your writing styles.