10 Guest Blogging Mistakes Which You Ought to Avoid

Wondering what is guest blogging all about? It is the custom of writing posts or blogs on another person’s blog. Blogger may invite people to write contents on their blog. This will give you identity and will take you to the audience of his or her blog. This can go the other way around, and you can invite bloggers or writers to pen for your blog.

While you are a guest blogger, chances exist that you may commit few mistakes not having in mind that it is someone else’s house of writing. Make a note of the 10 most common flaws that you will have to avoid being a Guest Blogger.

1. You are in someone’s shoes – stick to their guidelines

When you are writing for someone’s blog, always keep in mind their guidelines and adhere to their rules for writing. If you are stammering on it, take a look at the guest posts made, their structure, the length and other attributes and follow as per the requirement. Do not feel hesitant to raise any sort of queries that may arise while writing ablog. Approach the blog manager and clear the doubts before you jot down.

2. Pen for the blog’s viewers

Understand the topic in depth and most importantly get in mind your target audience. Study the type of audience the blog has got, particularly when the blog is completely off the line from that of yours or when it is geographically situated elsewhere.

Go through the blog posts, the style of approach that the writers have given and also read the comments of the viewers which may help you understand their flavour. Approach the audience in the same manner how they have been used to which will ease them and give comfort in reading.

3. Sculpture strategies

This happens to be the biggest flaw that most of the Guest Bloggers commit. When you decide to guest blog, ensure that you have defined your own strategies. Strategies are nothing but the goals that you fix up. Formulate what is your goal, such as to top the Search Engine with a keyword or to explore anew avenue of writing. Fix up your strategy Band then goes for Guest blogging. Guest blogging without a strategy is like travelling without a direction.

4. Throwing the stone on wrong blogs

Stimulate your strategy and go for Guest Blogging based on your goals set. Search for opportunities that will aid you to pursue your dreams. If you want to optimise Search Engine Operations with few keywords, then get into guest blogging where the topics will help you include your keywords. If you want to write for a completely new set of audience with different taste and likings from that of your own or if you wish to pen on topics that are strange and off beat from your usual style, take up such types of Guest Blogging.

5. Leaving the rope loose for transcending

Keeping on track with the guest posts that you have done will help you to recollect on the topics on which you have penned. Giving all your time and efforts on guest blogging but not following it up is of no use. Create an excel and make a note of all the topics that you have done as a guest Blogger, the length, the response and noteworthy comments for your improvisation.

6. A big no to “Blog Manager” mailing

If you are into guest blogging or in touch with Media ethics, then you will automatically not address your content stating as “Blog Manager”. All your sweat for creating the blog content might go in vain if you don’t even know the name of the blog manager. Spare a few minutes to google about the Blog Manager or search and find how and to whom you will need to make your submission.

7. Approach with a blog idea

If you are approaching a blog manager to provide service as a Guest Blogger, then do not leave him clueless on what you want to write about. If he or she doesn’t know what your area of interest on blogging is, the blog manager will not be motivated even to respond to you. Express your interest and give them glimpses of on what you would love to pen and provide an outline. This will help them understand your mind better.

8. The quality compromise attitude

Do not give ok-ok content if you are being a Guest Blogger. Even if it is someone else’s blog, it is your content that will be published so ensure you deliver the best that you can. Guest Blogging is an opportunity wherein if you impress the blog manager and inspire the audience, the response you get reaches high and brings you to top. Remember, it is a stage built and brought to light by someone else. Make use of the chance and make the show a blockbuster.

9. Guest Blogging cum Media Marketing

Get in mind that; you need to propaganda your own blog or website in every possible way. Guest Blogging is a fruitful avenue wherein if you miss adding inbound links that will direct to your site; you have commitment a sin to your blog. Craft a great blog as a guest blogger and indulge a few links that need to be made famous in order to act smart as a blogger.

10. The byline

Never forget to add the byline. Look into the guidelines of Guest Blogging or peep into the Guest posts in the blog and get to know how the bylines should be. Make your byline precise and catchy; include your name, what you do and your blog link in order to make it spread in an easy way.