Here’s What You Need To Know About Web Hosting

Web Hosting

Are you considering building a new website? No matter what you need a website for, whether for personal use or for a major corporation, the first decision you will need to make is what web hosting to use.

What is a web hosting company? Web hosting 4D Data Centres providers basically give you online real estate, a place to host your website. This will either be shared space on a server or in the cloud, or a dedicated server only for your needs.

If you are confused as to how to go about choosing web hosting, here is what you need to know.

Some of the biggest companies are problematic

When you search for web hosting online, you will find a few familiar names. Most likely, you will recognize GoDaddy as a mainstay of the industry, as well as Bluehost, which is promoted by many YouTubers and bloggers. Unfortunately, name recognition when it comes to hosting is down to good marketing, rather than good service. Bluehost is hated by much of its client base, having treated customers terribly once they are locked in. GoDaddy’s history is more complicated.

GoDaddy has a track record of ripping off customers by increasing the prices on domains they have searched for among other things, terribly customer services, and even internal issues. They may be on the path towards redemption, but it is still prudent to be wary.

Rather trust customers

Since you can’t trust a company by its name alone, who can you trust? The people who know best when it comes to hosting are the customers. This is not because they necessarily know anything about the technical nature of hosting, but because only they can tell you how they have been treated. When things go wrong, there is nothing more frustrating than customer support that is impossible to contact or won’t give you any real answers. Read customer reviews and focus on what they say about customer service in times of need.

Choosing the right company is not enough. You also need to choose the right type of hosting for your website. If you are an individual or small startup, you should probably go with shared hosting. This is hosting on a server that hosts multiple other websites. While you won’t have a ton of resources dedicated to you, it should be more than enough.

On the other hand, if you are building a website for a medium to big company, you may need to go with a dedicated server. This is an entire server dedicated to your use only. It costs a lot more, but is necessary if your website is resource-heavy and you expect a lot of traffic. You should also look for a server that has cloud-based software so you can access your data more easily. For example, the servers housed by 4D Data Centres are designed to protect your data more rigorously than others, helping you ensure any data your company holds is safe.

Is it optimized for your platform?

Some web hosting providers offer plans that are optimized towards specific web design platforms like WordPress. Optimized hosting provides features that you are more likely to use when using these platforms. Aside from WordPress, many hosts provide plans optimized towards CMS platforms, which are generally best for ecommerce websites.

Choosing the right web hosting is crucial for a successful website. Make an informed choice and you’ll avoid a lot of frustration later on.