7 Resume Writing Tips That Are Sure to Help You Land the Job

writing tips

8.4 million unemployed Americans are seeking new jobs at this very moment. Many of them are sending out resume after resume, hoping for a bite. It’d thrill most of those job seekers to get an interview request, let alone the job!

If you find yourself in the same boat, there’s nothing wrong with you or your experience. But you should ask yourself: when is the last time I updated my resume?

With a few expert resume writing tips, you can put a stop to your neverending search for employment. We’ve created this list featuring 7 of our favorite formatting tips and pieces of writing advice so you can get your CV in good shape again and land a job!

1. Keep It Simple

Most jobs have a lot of applicants, and that means that employers are glancing at tons of resumes, so they won’t have time to read paragraphs. Use bullet points and keep them short and direct.

2. Use Those Keywords

Job postings use a lot of keywords that tell you exactly what employers are looking for. Use those keywords right back!

If you can figure out how to write those same phrases into your work experience, you’ll stand out.

3. Look up Examples

Resume styles tend to vary by industry. An artist and an accountant shouldn’t be using the same format.

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Do a quick search and take a peek at the resumes that helped others land your dream job.

4. Cut Down on White Space

While you don’t want clutter, white space can make you look inexperienced. If your resume looks sparse, consider increasing your font size or adding a section for awards or special skills.

5. Don’t Be Redundant

You might choose to include a resume summary or a personal objective, but you probably don’t need both. What you bring to the table is more important!

6. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

Proofread your resume, then put it in a drawer, walk away, and proofread it again. A mistake, however small, makes you look bad.

If grammar and spelling aren’t your strong suit, have a friend or librarian look it over for you.

7. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

Don’t think that you need to create a bespoke format featuring fonts that no one’s ever used before. You can find a professional resume builder online that’ll do most of the work for you. Start with a great template or program and then tweak it until it feels like you!

Use These Resume Writing Tips to Land Your Dream Job

Back in the day, we used to be able to offer resume writing tips like “buy nice paper.” In the 21st century, it’s more important to understand how to format a virtual file!

With these tips and a little bit of effort, you’ll be back to work in no time.

Meanwhile, it sounds like you might have some extra time on your hands. Check out the rest of the blog so you’ll have something to chat about during your interview!