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Top 4 Prank Calling Apps to Download Today-
Funcalls- Best Voice Changer & Call Recording
Ever wanted to transform your voice into something completely different over the phone? The Funcalls- Best Voice Changer & Call Recording prank Dial app lets you do this with their new and unique sound modifications!
Voices offered are ‘Funny sound’ and ‘Helium balloon’, which are categorized as higher pitch options. In contrast, they also offer lower-pitched alternatives such as ‘Man sound’ and ‘Scary sound’.
Background effects are also available, adding even more comedy to prank calls; these effects are farts, moos, barks and meows.
A demo preview is also provided to test these voice options, due to the app’s great functionality it’s not necessary to make a pre-recording first like most apps. Simply record and listen to your transformed on the fly.
How to use:
- Choose your favourite voice option for your friend to hear
- Select country and phone number
- Choose whether or not you want the call to be recorded
- Call and listen again to your hilarious prank calls
Ownage Pranks
The Ownage Pranks app is straightforward to use and makes for the funniest prank calls with little to no preparation.
As it has over 100 pre-recordings, all you have to do is pick your favourite one and send it to your pals. Pre-recordings are automated to send once the person answers the call.
Every pre-recording is unique with different and recurring characters from the Ownage Pranks youtube channel.
If you’re looking for a specific type of prank call every prank script is categorized under different prank headings, i.e. Top Performing, Jobs and Workplace, Love & Relationships etc. Browsing this way saves time on scrolling throughout the entire list.
Newer Prank scenarios also have a choice to select multiple voice options to play the pre-recording, one prank example ‘Weird Item For Sale’ lets you choose Rosie or Kourtney to play the prank.
Although the prank script is identical, their speech tone and delivery are different, giving a nice bit of variety to your prank calls.
Other recently added pre-recordings are ‘Convict Needs Bail Money’ and ‘Please Buy Our Beer’.
- Calls are automatically recorded so you can listen again and share afterwards
- Their online community ‘Pranks hall of fame’ accepts the best submissions
- Enjoy complete anonymity as your Caller ID is not required
Fake Call 2
Fake Call 2 not only makes for the smartest pranks imaginable but it also saves so much time out of your day if used correctly.
Fake Call allows you to send yourself a fake incoming call, upon answering you will give the impression to the people around you that you’re engaged in a call.
This excellent app has a real-world application which can be used in a variety of scenarios. For example, let’s say you’re trapped in a work meeting, and you need to get out of there with a valid reason.
With Fake Call 2 you can quickly schedule a bogus call to ring you immediately. After answering it allows you the opportunity to leave giving any reason you feel like giving.
The app also provides useful customizable features as you can change the name, phone number and picture of the fake caller, which will appear on your phone screen when receiving calls.
Customizing these minor details may not seem like much, but it’s a convenient way to trick friends and family into thinking someone they know is supposedly calling you.
Additional features
- Celeb fake callers are available to call you
- Recorded audio can be played over the line
- Different Fake call Ringtones are available
Scare Your Friends- JOKE!
Instead of just fooling your buddies, why not take it a step further and scare the living wits out of them? The Scare Your Friends- JOKE! never fails to get some fun panicky reactions when its played on the unsuspecting.
To pull off this prank, begin by lending your phone to a friend and wait for the app to do its magic, on a quick side note it’s crucial to keep an eye on your phone as the last thing you’ll need is your friend dropping it on the ground from a panicked reaction.
This scary app has the many frightening pictures in its gallery and creepy sounds to go along with it. You can conveniently mix and match images and sounds beforehand to get your ideal combination.
Once you have chosen your scary duo schedule the exact time you want it to appear, and then hand your phone to a pal. Once the precise time has passed the image and sound will pop out into the screen.