Tips to Help You Make It In on Amazon

You Make It In on Amazon

Amazon is one of those platforms where you get only one chance to impress customers and earn a fortune. Yes, there’s only one single opportunity – Amazon won’t let you sell on its platform if you disrespect its customers and ignore all the seller policies. In this case, sellers get their Amazon suspended accounts and start writing certain types of letters to fight against their Amazon suspension! However, let’s forget about that for a moment and talk about real things – money!

So, you only have one chance: what should you do to make it  on this platform?

Choose Your Products Wisely

Before you start selling on Amazon, make sure you pick the product that’s going to sell. Yes, everyone can sell a basic best-seller, but that’s when the competition starts! If you want to stay out of the harsh reality of Amazon, then you should pick products that are really worth it!

Almost two million sellers are actively selling on Amazon and that means that they have found their perfect product! For this, you have to do your own research, observe your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. If you do everything right, you will be able to come up with a perfect product idea and stand out across Amazon sellers. 

What’s more important, you should choose products that you are interested in. Apart from the fact that you will know what you’re selling and how, you will also enjoy the process. So, if you’re a pet lover and have your own furry friend, you can sell pet-related products, give advice and enjoy your sales in general. 

Another interesting fact: some sellers rely on holidays and other days that are associated with certain products. In other words, they are bringing home the bacon by selling seasonal products. It can be anything: Christmas, St. Patrick’s day, Valentine’s Day and so forth. 

Adopt Some Automation  

Successful sellers usually use automation services to let’s say, robotize the entire selling process. This means that if you’re out of inventory, special software will inform you about the issue and remind you to restock. What’s more, automation can notify you when the prices change in the market and when you should take certain measures to take care of your price management. These are just examples of what automation can do, so if you want to simplify the process, research more and start automating! 

Document The Process

Try to keep track of all the things you do on Amazon. One day, you will need some documents so much, you will be ready to fake them! For example, if you’re sourcing products from a random supplier and throw the invoices away, you will surely have tons of problems! Why? Because most probably Amazon will eventually require you to provide invoices in order to verify your legitimacy! If you don’t have them, or have something else instead (e.g. receipts), Amazon will deactivate your account or how sellers are used to say, will get your Amazon account suspended!

Apart from the invoices, you should also have documents that will serve you as proof once you have issues with customers, and believe us, you will certainly have some! For example, you have a paper signed by the customer that proves that they received their order on time. However, they claim that they never received the item and want a reimbursement. Believe us, some customers are extra painstaking – they will do anything to win “the fight,” and get their money back! 

How on earth will keeping and organizing documents  help you grow your income? Well, if you do everything right, you won’t have issues with Amazon concerning the paperwork which will help you circumvent fund withdrawals, and what’s more, you won’t have to reimburse every time the customer is wrong! 

Are You Ready For Sales?

Now that you know about three vital elements of selling online, are you ready for the process? Just make sure you’re equipped with knowledge and practical skills before selling on Amazon and everything will be just fine! You want to make the best out of this process? Then you will make the best out of it, don’t hesitate!