How apps can help you to conquer the busy subway commute
Photo by balticmedia, Public Domain
Hundreds of millions of us embark on the early morning commute to work daily. It is said that the average daily commute in the U.S. is 26.1 minutes. That’s around nine days per year spent sitting doing nothing but staring into space. However, the advent of smartphones has made it easier to unwind, entertain yourself or even start your working day that little bit earlier. If you want to liven up your daily commuting routine, be sure to make this quintet of mobile apps – available on both Android and iOS devices – part of your app portfolio.
Stitcher (Android or iOS)
Are you one of the many people that have succumbed to the intrigue of podcasts? If you enjoy listening to some of your heroes talking about their everyday lives and even their professional journeys from the start of their career to the present day, Stitcher is a very useful podcast portal. It downloads all the newest episodes of your favorite podcasts automatically, allowing you to listen to them even if you’re stuck on an underground subway. There are reportedly over 40,000 different radio shows and podcasts to listen to, ranging from comedy to how-to guides ideal for new hobbies and interests. Better still, it’s entirely free to use!
Headspace (Android or iOS)
Whether you want to mentally prepare for a tricky day of work ahead or you simply want to increase those positive thoughts going into your brain, the Headspace app is a great way to tune out of your early morning commute and think calm thoughts, rather than the frustration or anxiety of a crowded train or bus. It will, unfortunately, cost you a monthly fee of $7.99, but it’s worth every cent to improve your mind’s ability to focus. These short but effective ten-minute meditation sessions are proven to relieve everyday stress. The sessions can also be downloaded and accessed offline, which is ideal for those traveling underground.
PokerStars (Android or iOS)
If you enjoy brain-training activities and your brain craves intense activity even on the early morning train or bus, consider learning how to play poker. Although no direct scientific connection has been made between playing poker and preventing the onset of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, many poker gurus have said that the mental stimulation and competition could decrease the chances of suffering mental afflictions later in life. If you want an online poker platform that’s rock-solid in terms of its reputation and reliability, look no further than PokerStars. It is all set to celebrate the 200 billionth hand dealt on its network since its launch in 2011, underlining its popularity and durability.
Trello (Android or iOS)

Photo by Free-Photos, Public Domain
For those who don’t enjoy sitting down on the early morning commute and stressing about their ever-growing to-do list for the day, Trello is the ideal solution. This free project management app makes it possible for commuters to keep on top of tasks and visualize what exactly needs doing by when. Each ‘card’ or task within a Trello ‘board’ can be assigned to a specific individual so, in theory, everyone within a team or department should know what they are doing. It’s possible to tack on documents, photos and all other kinds of attachments to assigned cards, helping to co-ordinate matters even when stuck on a hot, smelly train.
Pocket (Android or iOS)
If you are someone that enjoys keeping up-to-date on the latest news and affairs from around the world, Pocket is the news app organizer for you. It allows you to save articles and video reports from the internet for later reading offline. If you find that your list is becoming a little too much, you can sort them by favoriting each landing page. Pocket is installed as a browser add-on and is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. Think of it as an app that gives you access to an unlimited number of newspapers tucked under your arm.
Hopefully, these mobile applications have inspired you to turn your early morning commuting time into one that can either enrichen your mind, improve your day-to-day productivity or enhance your outlook on life. If you are a professional female looking to improve the management of all facets of your life using apps, don’t forget to check out our best apps for women to have installed on their smartphones.