5 Ways Your Small Business Can Use Video Marketing

video marketing

Do you want to implement more video marketing into your business strategy?

In this day and age, consumers expect video marketing from their favorite brands. In fact, one study found that 54 percent of consumers crave to see even more videos from the brands and businesses they love.

Video marketing is a helpful way to connect with your customers and give your business a one-up from the competition. It’s also a great way to personalize your brand and to showcase the faces behind your business. At the end of the day, consumers enjoy knowing who the people are behind the brands that they love.

If you’re looking to get with the times and modernize your business, you’re going to want to read this. We’re highlighting five ways in which you can implement video marketing into your business. From filming a digital handshake to creating explainer videos for your product or service, these digital marketing ideas are simple yet incredibly effective.

Let’s get started!

1. Film a Digital Handshake

With the growing number of e-commerce businesses, the loss of personalization is a key factor to consider for your business.

If you operate predominantly online, you’re missing out on the personal interactions that a typical brick and motor store has. With this, you don’t have the privilege of meeting and greeting your customers in the same way that traditional stores have. This is why making a point to showcase your face and your voice has become so crucial.

To do so, many business professionals have been creating a digital handshake. This is a short and simple video that puts a face to the name behind your business. After watching a brief video, your customers will naturally feel more connected to yourself and your business.

If you’re new to video, don’t fret. Remember, this video is supposed to be short and simple. To do so, aim for a video that is approximately 15-30 seconds in length.

2. Create Product or Service Videos

Whether you offer a product or a service, putting forth an explainer video is a simple way to implement digital marketing into your business strategy.

This can be a short and simple clip that outlines how your product or service works. This is especially helpful for products being sold online that may come across as confusing or complicated for your customers. An explainer video could be what provides your customer with the confidence necessary to purchase your product.

For services, you can put together a video explaining how your service works or the steps that your service will entail. For example, a real estate agent may put together an explainer video for first-time homebuyers. This video will explain the various steps that are involved in purchasing a home that what’s required of that homebuyer.

Do you need help with your explainer videos? Check out this website for the voice over scripts. These scrips are sure to take your video to the next level and showcase a sense of true professionalism.

3. Shoot a Behind-the-Scenes Video

Who said that video marketing had to be stressful and time-consuming?

Remember, video marketing is supposed to be fun! After all, video is where you can connect with your consumers on a personal and intimate basis. A behind-the-scenes video will allow your customers the unique opportunity to see what happens behind-the-scenes of your everyday life.

Are you in need of some behind-the-scenes video inspiration? If so, be sure to consider the following ideas:

  • An office tour
  • A meet-and-greet with your team
  • A social event
  • An exciting announcement
  • A Q&A period
  • A live customer testimonial

This type of video is enjoyable, affordable and relatively stress-free to shoot. You can even film this type of video in one-take or you can create it live on your social media pages. At the end of the day, the goal of behind-the-scenes videos is to have fun and to showcase the personality and people behind your brand. While it’s not going to be perfect, these videos do tend to benefit from a high viewership rate.

4. Add Video to Your Email Signature

For small businesses, it’s likely that you’re using email to communicate with your customers or send newsletters and promotions.

In addition to your email signature, embedding a video or a link to a video is a great way to personalize your emails. This is a convenient place to insert your digital handshake or an explainer video for your product or service. It’s also especially handy for new customers that you have yet to be introduced to.

Depending on your email provider, adding a video directly to your signature isn’t always possible. If this issue presents itself, you can insert an image and use it as a thumbnail that will link to your video. This may take your customer to your website or to one of your social media pages.

5. Make Your Videos Share-Friendly

At the end of the day, you want as many people to see your videos as possible.

Not only will this turn more eyes on your business, but it’s also a great way to increase your follower count. To ensure that as many people are viewing your videos as possible, add a share button to your video. This is a simple addition and can be accomplished with nearly any video format.

A share button will allow your friends, family and followers to share each and every video that you post. With the click of a button, their network now has the opportunity to watch and enjoy your video. You can even encourage your customers to share your video in return for a chance to win a prize or receive a discount code.

How to Use Video Marketing for Your Small Business

Are you looking to include video marketing in this year’s marketing plan?

If so, you’re certainly doing the right thing. In fact, the average viewer consumes 6 hours and 48 minutes of online video each and every week. As technology continues to progress and more businesses turn to the online world, this number is only expected to grow.

If you’re looking to use video marketing for your business, allow this guide to inspire you. Once you’ve created your video marketing strategy, don’t forget to make all of your videos share-friendly!

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