What is full-cycle software development?


Quality and longevity in software projects are based on tactical decisions in coding and design and a well-thought-out strategic orientation based on requirement analyses, specification catalogs and software development initially. Full-cycle software development allows businesses to delegate the management of the whole software project to particular teams. This can make software processes simpler and more efficient, and that clarifies the most important functions.

The phases of software development

The life cycle consists of standardized phases that a team goes through when developing a software solution. These phases range from planning to development and implementation to operation and maintenance of the software. The software life cycle can be divided into the following phases.

Conception. In the conception phase, the requirements and goals of the software are defined, and a concept is developed that shows how the software must be designed in order to meet these requirements.

Planning & Analysis. In this phase, the concept is translated into detailed plans, and it is decided what technologies and tools to use to implement the project.

Implementation. In the implementation phase, the actual software is then developed and programmed.

Testing. At this stage, the software is thoroughly tested to ensure it is working properly and meets all requirements.

Deployment. In this phase, the software is provided and put into operation in the respective environment.

Maintenance. At this stage, bugs are fixed, and the software is updated to ensure it continues to function properly and meet requirements.

If you are looking for a vendor with full-cycle software development services, we are here for you: https://www.axon.dev/services/full-cycle-software-development-company 

Function and goal of the full-cycle software development

The goal to be achieved by establishing a lifecycle in software development is greater effectiveness at all levels: This ranges from improved software quality and reduced development time to lowering the costs of developing a system. The clearly defined phases of the software development life cycle are intended to help companies and development teams to develop high-quality software quickly and cost-effectively, to make it available for production use after it has been well tested and then to maintain and improve it properly.

Overall, a well-designed software development lifecycle helps to plan, control, and manage the development of new software to ensure that the software is successful and meets all requirements.

Software development is important because it allows software companies to stand out from the crowd and compete more effectively. It can help organizations become extremely innovative, improve user experience, produce feature-rich products faster, and increase the productivity, safety, and efficiency of daily operations.

Software development team

Experienced software developers and engineers are mainly responsible for full-cycle software development. Their responsibilities overlap a lot, and their relationships vary widely across departments. Many people are involved in the software development process, including product managers, developers, architects, and many others. Software developers play a key role in the field of programming. In addition, they control the entire SDLC – the software development life cycle. As we have already considered before, the entire software development life cycle includes:

  • Converting of specifications to functionality.
  • Control over software development teams and software development practices.
  • Software maintenance and evaluation.

Software developers write system code for database federation, direct connections, message display, and so on. They use programming languages such as C++, Python, Ruby and others to follow the necessary directives. Software engineers follow scientific procedures and make sure their solution works in real life.

About Author

Hi there! My name is Anna Sursaieva, and I am fond of software engineering. I like sharing my thoughts and explaining complex topics in simple terms. Hope that you’ll find my content interesting and useful. Dive into the software development world with me!