For more optimal equipment placement, it is advisable to use server cabinets. They can be installed in IT service rooms and offices, industrial premises, basements, and aisles. In addition to the convenience of placing equipment in cabinets by Sysracks, several urgent tasks are simultaneously solved: access restriction, power supply, cooling, and implementation of the necessary climatic conditions. Read out below the Features of the Best Hardware to Optimize Server Room Space.
People install cabinets by Sysracks in data centers and telecommunications halls. Users choose the type of product following the characteristics of the object on which they will use it. They also take into account the number of connected equipment.
A suspended server cabinet is appropriate in a small room. It will keep space as usable as possible. Wall-mounted cabinets have a limited load capacity. Therefore, for rooms with numerous communication elements, or weighty devices, floor products are the best variants.
Benefits of Server Cabinets
Users distinguish server cabinets of Sysracks by functionality and exceptional ease of use. A well-thought-out design and high-quality materials are far from their only advantages:
- The glazing of doors allows you to control the operation of the installed equipment visually.
- The use of a polymer coating provides increased protection of the metal against corrosion.
- On some models, door seals are used, which makes them protected.
- Equipment mounting cabinets reliably protect the installed equipment from external influences, dust, and high humidity.
Different types
Open telecommunication racks are cabinets without side walls, the supporting base of which allows you to mount network equipment and adjust it in depth. People use them for orderly placement of servers, switches, routers, modems, hard drives.
Closed network cabinets and server boxes of Sysracks — a metal casing protects the network equipment located inside the cabinet from accidental or intentional damage. There is a lock on the doors. It is the best choice if people cannot allocate a separate room for a server room in the building.
The users install wall-mounted server cabinets in places where it is required to switch a small part of the network — in offices, corridors, on staircases. Thanks to their simple design, they fit well into any interior. This design can withstand relatively low loads compared to the floor-standing version, but it can significantly save space.