How Understanding Your Clients’ Buying Cycle Helps You Be a Better Marketer

How Understanding Your Clients' Buying Cycle Helps You Be a Better Marketer

A lot of business owners assume that sales and marketing are two totally separate fields. The truth, though, is that you’ll see much better results if you get your sales and marketing teams to work together.

In order to get everyone on the same page, it’s important for your sales team to understand basic marketing principles.

Your marketing team also needs to understand sales principles, including the buying cycle. If you’re not sure how to get them up to speed, keep reading.

Explained below is the importance of knowing your clients’ buying cycle and how this knowledge can help you market to them in a more effective way.

What Is the Buying Cycle?

The buying cycle is the process clients and customers go through before deciding to buy a particular product or service. It’s broken down into the following phases:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Preference/Intent
  • Purchase
  • After-sale/Repurchase

This last phase is especially important. It includes the application of the product or service and follow-up support from the brand to encourage repeat purchases. It’s not enough just to sell the product or service once — you need to get people to come back for more!

Whenever the user thinks of buying a product, then ultimately they will search for the reviews of that product. So, it is always suggestable to include in the top review sites to increase the sales. With this the users will also get benefit by knowing about the various reviews of the product.

Understanding Your Clients’ Buying Cycle

The more you know about the buying cycle, the easier it is for you to leverage it in order to market to customers in a more effective way and make more sales. The following are some tips to help you tailor your marketing approach to each phase of the buying cycle:

Build Awareness with Search Engine Marketing

When it comes to building awareness for your brand and products or services, be sure to utilize search engine marketing.

PPC ads and a strong SEO strategy will help to get the word out and get people interested in buying what you’re selling.

Highlight Selling Points for Customers’ Consideration

Use keyword-optimized landing pages to help direct customers to your website and tell them more about what you have to offer.

Keep these landing pages simple and straightforward so they people understand what your business is and why it might be good for them.

Appeal to Preferences with Clear Product Descriptions

Once people have made their way to your website, make sure your product and service descriptions provide plenty of detail and appeal to customers’ specific preferences.

The more information they have, the more likely they are to give you their contact information and consider making a purchase.

Use Coupons and Discounts to Encourage a Purchase

To help seal the deal, use coupon codes and discounts to encourage customers to go ahead and give your product a try. Lowering the barrier to entry just a tiny bit can make all the difference to a lot of shoppers.

Stay in Touch to Encourage Repurchasing

To encourage repurchasing, stay in touch with your customers or clients with follow-up emails or texts.

According to this service, it’s important to personalize these messages to establish a relationship with your customer and help them develop a sense of loyalty to your business.

Become a Better Marketer Today

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits that come with understanding your clients’ buying cycle.

Having this information in mind can help you better tailor your marketing campaigns and increase your return on investment in a significant way.

Do you want more marketing advice?

If so, we’re here to help. Visit the Digital Marketing section of our site today to learn more about the latest marketing trends and tools top businesses are using.