How to Become a Bookie

become a bookie

You’re short on your rent for the third month in a row. There has to be a way for you to make a little extra income each month. You can get a second job or become a bookie.

A bookie is a slang term for bookmakers in gambling. Your job would be to set odds, place bets, and dish out the winnings. Most of your money will come from sporting events, but you can go the online casino route as well.

No matter what you do, the life of online betting is only profitable if you do it right. Check out this guide to learn how to become a successful bookie.

Skills That You’ll Need

To be a bookie, there’s a certain skill set that you’re going to need. Since you’ll be crunching numbers every day, you should be able to tackle basic mathematics.

A good bookie is organized and gets a thrill from risk. This job may or may not payout, so you need to be ready for everything. Before you begin as a bookie, it’s good to do some sports betting research.

If you don’t have a basic grasp of it or even enjoy watching sports, you won’t make it too far.

You Have to Have Money

The biggest hurdle to overcome with starting a bookie job is that you’ll need starting money and quite a bit of it. How much you exactly need depends on how often you have payouts, how many players you have, and what your betting limits are.

It’s also good to have some cushion. You don’t want to have to tell players that you can’t pay them because you’ve had a rough month.

This being said, you’re looking at needing at least ten thousand dollars to start with. We understand that’s a lot of money, but you won’t be able to get away for less.

You Need Players

You could have thousands of players and barely make a cent. Vice versa, you could have six players and be set for life. It all depends on who you attract.

If you find that your players aren’t profitable to you, all you have to do is set certain betting limits to filter them out. Some do this until they find a good group to work with.

Sign Up with a Pay Per Head Service

Pay per head sites makes the bookie job so much easier. It pretty much automates everything, so all you have to do is sit back and wait for the money to roll in.

The technology is in place to where anyone can be a bookmaker. It doesn’t matter if you have experience or not.

Become a Bookie That’s Successful

Do need a little bit of extra cash each month? Why not save up and become a bookie. With pay per head services, all you have to do sit around and wait to make money.

It does take a lot of cash to get started, but once you have it, you’ll be well on your way to making the big bucks.

Are you looking for more ways to make some quick cash? Check out the How-To section of our blog to get started.