Don’t Get Sick: What Happens if Flu Vaccines Are Not Refrigerated?

if Flu Vaccines Are Not Refrigerated

Flu vaccinations and other forms of vaccines are kept refrigerated for many reasons. But, what happens if flu vaccines are not refrigerated? There’s no need to continue wondering about the answer to this question because we’re going to answer it for you below.

Please continue reading to find out what happens when vaccines aren’t refrigerated and why they need to be refrigerated in the first place.

What Happens If Flu Vaccines Are Not Refrigerated?

The simple answer to this question is that when flu vaccines aren’t appropriately stored, the potency of the vaccine is affected. It’s just like leaving milk out of the refrigerator for too long once it’s been left out and spoiled; it’s no longer suitable for use.

Once a vaccine’s potency has been reduced that potency can’t be gotten back and therefore renders the vaccine useless. Vaccines left out shouldn’t be used because they aren’t going to do anything for the person given the vaccine.

The point of a vaccine is to introduce a small portion of the flu virus to the person and allow their immune system to build-up a response and rid their body of the flu. Therefore, should they ever get the flu, their body will have the antibodies needed to fight off the virus.

When vaccines are left out and not stored correctly, not only does it make them ineffective, but it also costs the company money because they’ll need to replace the vaccines that have been lost due to carelessness or left out on accident.

What Kind Of Refrigerator Do Vaccines Need?

Some people may assume that vaccines are stored in a refrigerator similar to the ones that we use in our homes for food and beverages. However, that’s not the case vaccines need to be stored in medical-grade refrigerators that allow for the most accurate internal temperature settings.

These medical-grade refrigerators also produce temperature logs for those using them to ensure the internal temperature remains constant for the vaccines placed inside. If the refrigerator’s temperature drops or becomes too cold, the refrigerator will sound an alarm to alert those around the fluctuating temperature.

Just as we mentioned leaving a vaccine out is dangerous; it’s also dangerous to allow them to get too cold. A vaccine that reaches severely cold temperatures can freeze because of a substance in them called Diluent.

If the vaccination freezes, it can also render the vaccine useless to those that need it. If you’re looking for a storage refrigerator and want to know what to avoid when buying a storage refrigerator, check it out.

Keep Vaccines At the Right Temperature

What happens if flu vaccines are not refrigerated, well they spoil and can’t be used. That’s why all vaccines must be put in vaccine refrigeration to keep them chilled until they are ready for use.

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