If you’re reading this, you’ve already made your decision. You want to write. That’s why you’re going through several articles on how to start writing. You feel it in your heart that it’s what you want to do. But you have no idea where or even how to begin. Don’t worry. This guide on how to start writing is exactly the push you need to pursue that want. It will give you tips, motivation, and even the tools you need for writing like the free word count tool and the ever-handy thesaurus. So, go ahead and start that dream now.
Table of Contents
Welcome Failure Openly
The most difficult part of starting a new hobby or habit is starting it. Even if you’re really interested, pursuing it is a whole different thing. But what’s holding you back? Most often, it’s fear. You’re afraid you won’t be good enough. You’re afraid that you won’t be able to keep up with that world. You’re afraid that what you love won’t love you back. Don’t worry. We all have that fear in the beginning. But remember, everyone starts somewhere. Putting too much pressure on yourself and setting high expectations won’t be healthy for your journey on this track. When you’re a beginner, don’t expect to put out your best work. Expect to fail. And expect to fail hard.
It is often our need for perfection and fear of failure that stops us from actually pursuing that one thing we’ve been thinking about for a while. But no one’s first draft is a masterpiece. As it is in every craft, you need to practice. You need to try, fail, and learn. Failure is part of growth. And learning from your failures is what will set the course for your improvement.
Start Somewhere
Writing is such a vast world. There’s so much to write about and it can be so overwhelming figuring out where to begin. But here’s a little tip that is part of every writer’s origin story: write what you know. It’s much more difficult writing about things you don’t know or cannot grasp. I mean, how can you explain to someone something even you don’t understand? It takes a lot more effort and research to write about foreign topics. And even if they are topics that interest you, steer clear of them if you don’t feel confident in writing about them just yet. Gain your confidence in online writing first before taking on more challenging topics.
Here’s a little exercise to help you figure out what you can write for your first topics. If you were asked to teach a certain subject which one would you feel most qualified to teach? These are the things you will be confident writing about because of how familiar you are with the topic. These could be things you’re knowledgeable about, your passions, or even things you have experienced yourself. Think about it and make that list. This way, it won’t feel so overwhelming and you can have a finite number of choices to pick from.
Read. Read. Read.
Never stop reading. Not only does reading improve your vocabulary, but it also allows you to absorb more information about different topics. It is advised that you write what you know, but just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean you should stop there. Learn. Make it a point to learn what you don’t know and expand what you already know. If you plan to pursue a career in writing, then it is ideal that you know a bunch of topics so you can be assigned different types of articles. Be flexible. After all, you never really stop learning.
Make Use of the Right Tools
You don’t have to go on this journey on your own. The internet is your friend. Use tools that will help improve your spelling, grammar, and overall writing. If you’ve been using the same word three times already, get a thesaurus and look for a replacement. If you want to practice writing for articles with word count restrictions, then get a free word count tool to help you out. There are also apps that will grade your work and point out which parts you could improve. And you don’t just have to rely on digital tools. You can ask your friends or family to read your work and give their honest inputs. You can even read it aloud to yourself to see if it flows nicely. And if you’re really serious about this, then get an editor who can mentor you and help you improve your writing. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help.
Just Keep Writing
As the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” Just keep on writing. Write every day if you can. Practice doesn’t only hone your skill but it also helps you get to know yourself more. The more you write, the more your unique writing style will come out. And as you write, you will be able to figure out how long it takes you to write a certain amount of words, your writing process, your writing strengths and weaknesses, what time of day you’re most productive and creative, and many more. Just experiment and just keep trying. And always remember, it’s a process.