Avoid Doing These Five Things on a Dating Site

Dating Site

What we don’t say is just as significant as what we say on a dating website. People are generally skeptical about how you present yourself to them, especially if you are a male. 

Over the years dating sites have taught us how to behave with your date to avoid heated affairs, what to say to them but what about things that you shouldn’t say?

Don’t worry because we have your back. We decided to dive deeper and compile a list of the five most prominent mistakes people commit on dating sites. 

So, let’s take a look, shall we?

  1.     Don’t pretend you are too good for dating sites.

Often people pretend to be over-ambivalent about hookup sites. ‘oh, I’m not much into dating apps, you know, just trying to work this out’ are some common phrases men tell their female counterparts. 

But they fail to realize the damage they do to their reputation and the girl they are talking to. Disrespecting a platform won’t make you look cool. Your date may get offended thinking that you are not serious about her.

Therefore, refrain from down-talking the platform and be respectful.

  1.     Asking for their phone number too soon

It would be best to take your conversation at a methodical pace. In other words, don’t push them to share their phone number in the tenth text itself.

Besides that, what will you do with their number? Take the same conversation back and forth to their WhatsApp and get friend-zoned?

If you wish to be that special someone, you have to behave differently from the masses. Asking for their number is a fair enough deal when you have talked for a week and are now all set to meet each other. 

  1.     Using weird short names

The truth is that they are not your spouse yet. Therefore, sticking to their full names is best instead of renaming them according to your emotions. 

People do not want to be called by their nicknames while chatting on the dating app. Making Elly out of Elizabeth or Cindy out of Cinderella may sound very romantic, but only after you are in a relationship.

Therefore, it is best to refrain from using short names. Stick to Elizabeth and Cinderella, at least, for now. 

  1.     Too much of everything is bad.

People are commonly obsessed with their photos. White, it is okay to have a lot of them; you need not post all of them on the dating site. 

Besides that, many people restrict their portfolios only to selfies. But that establishes you as an absolute loner who does not have anybody willing to take photos of them. 

However, that does not mean you should shower your portfolio with many group pictures. 

Instead, select a few good selfies, mirfies, and groupfies with multiple backgrounds to diversify your profile. Also, choose a decent dating site that allows you to post them without cropping. 

  1.     Long bios about your entrepreneurship skills 

Not that entrepreneurs do not sign up for dating apps but don’t brag about it too much in your bio. 

Genuine dates are least concerned about how big an empire you have built (well, if at all, you have). Instead, they are looking for a genuine person who is reachable, comforting, romantic, and perhaps a bit funny at times.

So, do not try to show that you are the Elon Musk of the dating world; stay modest and fun, and go easy on your bio.

Final Thoughts 

Getting someone to like you highly depends upon how you present yourself to them. 

You may not know what they are looking for at first, but if you sound genuine and reachable, chances are you will find the love of your life.