6 Miraculous Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits For Hair to Make Them Healthy and Beautiful

How great it would be if you could get that one thing that would make everything as perfect as you want them to be! We all, at least once in our lives, wonder if there were such a thing that could act as a solution to all our problems – something that would make our skin, hair, and body perfect. Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar is one natural ingredient that can prove to be a boon for the health of your hair.

You may have heard of how it can treat skin and help in weight loss, but have you ever heard of the apple cider vinegar benefits for hair? If not yet, now is the right time to learn about the ways in which the substance can treat your hair and provide you with the best quality.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Hair

The most popular vinegar in the whole community of natural health is apple cider vinegar. Due to the apple cider vinegar benefits for hair, weight loss, and skin, its consumption has been escalating in the West.

Let us look at how the apple cider vinegar benefits the hair.

#1: Rinsing with Apple Cider Vinegar can make the Hair Shine

How can Apple cider Vinegar Benefit Your Hair?

The vinegar aids our scalp and hair in many ways. Its hair rinse helps in restoring the natural pH level of your scalp and its weak acid mantle. This aids in the prevention of loss of moisture from our scalp and enhances its function. This, in turn, helps in keeping the hair shiny and healthy.

In addition, the apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse provides the scalp a deep clean and aids in the removal of the build-up of conditioners, hair styling products, etc. from the hair that may make it look lifeless and dull.

#2: Hydrates Curly or Natural Hair

Whoever has curly hair can understand how difficult it is to have them – forming perfect curls one day and experiencing a layer of frizz the next. Natural and curly hair is likely to be dry and using moisturizing products can result in density loss. This is why ACV rinses are extremely helpful for the ones who have curly hair. Rinsing with ACV helps in the removal of the product buildup naturally and infuses the hair with hydration.

#3: ACV Prevents and Treats Dandruff

Dandruff is a scalp buildup that is a result of the presence of yeast on oily skin. If you have this in your head, using ACV can turn out to be helpful. It removes and prevents dandruff due to its antifungal and antibacterial qualities.

ACV contains malic acid that helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp. The yeast promotes inflammation that results in flaking. Since ACV helps in lowering the levels of yeast on the skin, it is useful for the treatment of dandruff.

#4: ACV Helps in the Prevention of Hair Loss

A healthy scalp means healthy hair and no hair loss. Apple cider vinegar benefits for hair include helping in the protection of the scalp from bacteria and maintaining a balanced pH level. Therefore, it eventually aids in the prevention of hair loss, too.

#5: You can Prevent Breakage of Hair and Split Ends by Using ACV

Just like ACV helps in closing the hair’s cuticle, it works to maintain the overall health of the hair.  This also includes split ends and breakage.

Regular use of ACV can help in the restoration of the acidity to the hair follicle. This will help in smoothening the cuticle making it stronger.

#6: ACV Reduces Scalp Itchiness

It is not necessary that your scalp is itchy due to dandruff. It may be because of other reasons like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Although you should first consult the doctor, it would be great if you know that ACV is likely to help you overcome it. Since it helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp, it is greatly helpful in reducing the itchiness of the scalp.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar?

Now that you have read and understood the apple cider vinegar benefits for hair, you would be willing to find out how can you apply it on your hair. Following is a way to make an ACV rinse or wash:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix it with water.
  • Posterior shampooing and conditioning pour the mixture on your hair evenly. Work it into your scalp.
  • Let the mixture stay in your hair for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly.

Alternatively, you can follow the given procedure:

  • Take 3-4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix the ACV with 1 cup of water and put it in a spray bottle.
  • Apply the mixture by spraying it onto your hair and gently massage.
  • Let the mixture sit on your hair for 10-15 minutes.
  • Shampoo your hair.

The apple cider vinegar works wonders when used repeatedly from time to time. You will not only get rid of all dandruff and itchiness but also have healthy and shiny hair.