7 Common Neck and Back Injuries after an Accident

Most of us have had a close call before, getting into the car after a long fight at work or waking up in the middle of the night because we couldn’t sleep. But you probably know these little bumps and bruises don’t count as injuries.

If you have ever been in an accident and injured your neck, back, or head, it is essential to understand how to take care of yourself correctly at home with proper medical guidance. 

Getting proper medical care is the best thing you can do for yourself. But the medical cost is too high in the US. It could hurt you financially. It would be best to file a claim for compensation for your damages. It is best to contact a personal injury lawyer near you to assist you with the claim.

7 Common Injuries after an Accident

1. Whiplash

A whiplash injury is an injury to a muscle or group of muscles in the neck caused by sudden, brisk head movement. The most common cause of this type of injury is a car accident.

2. Sprain or Strain

A sprain (stretch sprain) and a strain (tear strains) are two types of soft tissue injuries to ligaments and tendons that connect muscle to bone. Common locations for sprains are the wrist, ankle, and finger joints. Common locations for strains are the backs of the knees and the lower back.

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3. Muscle Injuries

Common muscle injuries include strains, sprains, and contusions. Muscle injuries can occur to all three joints: hip, knee, and shoulder, as well as to the elbow, wrist, hand, and finger joints. Muscle strains typically occur near or at the injury site. Muscle spasms can cause pain in nearby body areas such as the head, eyes, and ears.

4. Bone Injuries

One of the most common injuries is a fractured femur. Femurs are the thigh bones that connect the knee to the hip. A fracture of the femur is a break in one or more of those bones that occurs when there is a loud sound or sudden, unexpected twisting or turning movement. Fractures often injure both bones in the same place (unifacial fractures). 

5. Head Injuries

Head and neck injuries can be severe, including cervical spine injury, brain injury, concussion, and others. Many heads and neck injuries are complex. They may need to be treated by a specialist with expertise in the area where the injury occurred.

6. Brain Injury

The skull protects the brain and cerebrospinal fluid, and the cerebrospinal fluid is further protected by the meninges (the protective covering of nerve tissue). A significant brain injury can cause harm to any or all of these layers. A person with a brain injury can suffer intracranial hemorrhaging or swelling of their brain tissues requiring immediate medical attention and urgent medical care.

7. Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord is the critical bundle of nerve tissue that runs through the body and connects the brain with other body parts. The function of the spinal cord is to relay instructions from the brain to every aspect of the body, including muscle movement, balance, coordination, sensory (feeling), reflexes, etc. A spinal cord injury can leave a person paralyzed from either partial or total loss of control over their arms and legs, with little or no feeling in those areas.

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Even with proper medical care and rehabilitation, injuries to the neck and back endure a long time. However, with appropriate medical care and extensive rehabilitation from a chiropractor in Naples FL, you can restore your confidence and begin living a fulfilling life again.