Email Marketing Strategies For Saas Companies

email marketing

Email marketing for Saas company could be challenging as your audience would be the people who might have a profound knowledge of the tactics you are attempting. Therefore, you need to be clever with what you share and how you share it.

This article will see how to increase the marketing email conversion rates, create a solid email marketing strategy, and optimize it.

Besides this, we will also talk about some marketing tools such as email marketing service providers, email search tools in case you aren’t sure how to find email addresses of prospects. So, the article is going to be informative.

Your Prospects – Who & Why?

Who are the people that will most benefit from your SaaS product?

When you try to answer this question, you will know who your target audience is.

And when you try to go deeper to understand why they would need your product, you will get an idea about their pain points, i.e., issues they are currently struggling with at the office.

Knowing about your prospects is the primary element of your email marketing strategy.

Build Prospect List – How?

Since yours is a SaaS company, mostly the people using your product are professionals. You could quickly build the prospect list by using a B2B email look-up tool such as

You would be amazed by the accurate data it gives out and the fantastic customer support to assist you with the tool.

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Thanks to machine learning and big data algorithm that helps the tool predict the prospect’s email format accurately.

Define Your Goals

When you can define your goal, you can identify the type of your email you need to craft.

For example, if you intend to increase leads, you need to send educational content in your emails. And if you want the users to signup for a free trial, you could send promotional emails emphasizing how your application can be a great solution to their problem.

In case you already have free trial users and wish to convert them into paying clients, you can send them a series of customer success stories.

And if you are aiming to retain your existing customers, you could send them an email that talks about subscription renewal, offers or discounts.

It’s essential to collect testimonials from your happy customers; to such clients, you could send them an email asking for feedback about your product and service.

Tailor Content for Different Stages of Customer Journey

Every customer has their purchase journey, but all have to go through the typical phase such as the awareness stage, consideration stage, and decision stage.

So, you could send an email subtly highlighting their pain points for prospects in the consideration stage and tell them how your product could solve their problem.

Email Marketing Automation

When you have hundreds of thousands of prospects on your list, connecting with each one of them personally is going to take you forever.

Therefore, you can use email marketing automation tools to trigger emails based on the prospect’s current stage in the sales funnel.

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Find the Right Time For Emails

You could use advanced analytics to learn which day of the week and time most emails were opened. Besides this, you must send emails at a balanced frequency.

Final Thoughts

I hope you find this article insightful. Now that you know some additional tips, you can efficiently use email marketing at each stage of your customer journey with your products.