Should AC and Furnace Be Replaced at the same time?

replace air conditioner and furnace

Have you been thinking to replace AC  and furnace system? Which of this equipment would be better if replaced with a new and updated feature? Take no stress, as the furnace installation Brooklyn, NY, is here to guide you choose the best option.

Let us first consider the facts and benefits that would make it easy for you to decide on the system.

Replacing both the furnace and the AC system brings numerous advantages, as you will spend your days more comfortably and conveniently. But many times, the need for replacing may actually not be required and also, let’s not forget the burdened expenses. 

What to Know About the Furnace and AC System?

The average life span of an AC system is 15-18 years. It can stretch a few more years, if it is regularly maintained by the best furnace installation Brooklyn, NY, experts. Compared to the life of the air conditioner, the furnace system has a life span twice its counterpart. It operates for 10-30 years, depending on the maintenance and care. 

So is it necessary to replace both the unit at the same time? If your furnace is working fine and still has great years ahead, then why replace it now? We understand the efficiency concern, but replacement is not the only option. The furnace system can still work in its best efficient form with few updated features. Contact your technicians and get guided accordingly.

If the furnace system is old and both the equipment has reached their end days, then it makes sense to replace both. If there are plans for replacing both, then you must detach the evaporator coils and other related components. Even if you replace any one of the components, you will still have to go through the detaching process. Therefore, by replacing both at the same time, you will end up saving money on the detachment process.

An Expensive Affair

The replacement does not come cheap. It does not matter whether you are replacing one unit or both at the same time, be ready to drop a bomb in your pocket. You cannot go cheap during these investment periods as it is the most vital stage that decides the comfort and convenience for the next 15-20 years. 

But if both the systems give you trouble and also have the age factor, then you are left with no other option but replacement. During this crucial time, make sure to contact only the trusted, experienced and licensed firm that will help you live stress-free future days. Contact Vvoy Service Hub, your reliable and affordable partner, where only quality service and flexible options will be recommended. 

What to Look for Air Conditioner Installation?

Always remember that no matter which brand or company you choose, take note to invest in the system which has the best efficiency rate. Invest in a system that has a high-efficiency SEER value of 16 for better performance and operation. This rule applies to the furnace system as well. Though you will be spending a little more than expected, it will definitely save you in long term in both cases of money and energy. 

If both the furnace and the AC have the same or similar efficiency ratings, then it is guaranteed to provide the best performances and comfortable days. 

Where are the Units Installed?

If both the units are installed in a difficult access area, then you will be charged high during the replacement period. If you are replacing both the units, then you can save money for both will be replaced at the same time. 

Attics and garages are difficult to reach and it is most likely that your technician will charge you more for it. Therefore, install in an area, where it is easily accessible. 

The installation and replacement of both the furnace and air conditioner units is an expensive affair. Though one cannot avoid these situations, the process can be delayed by taking good care of the system. Contact the professionals for annual maintenance and if there is an issue, get it repaired in its initial stage avoiding major repairs and replacements.