Important Tasks When Moving to a New Build

There are a multitude of benefits to moving into a new-build house, rather than an older and more worn-in building, not least the fact that you’re usually given the option to customize certain aspects during its construction. 

However, amid the excitement and the numerous storage boxes that need to be unpacked, there are a number of other considerations that you need to be aware of. 

With that being said, continue reading to remind yourself of the most important tasks when moving to a new build. 


One of the primary advantages of purchasing a new build is that, should you find any smaller, or indeed, larger issues, then the building company and the associated building contractors are responsible for fixing them. 

This is why, ideally within the first week of moving into your new home, take a walk around the entire property, including the backyard and garden and inspect everything. 

Things to look out for when writing your snagging list include:

  1. Cracks to the paintwork above and below window and doorframes 
  2. Handles and hinges with rough edges or splashes of paint
  3. An uneven or unconnected pipe for white goods to connect to
  4. One or more plug sockets not working 

  • Get the Locks Changed


Some people believe that having the locks changed on both the front and back door of a newly built apartment or house is entirely pointless.

However, even if there’s only a small chance that someone untoward has had copies of the keys made, the unfortunate reality is that it could have happened and the last thing you want, especially if you’re transitioning into your home over a period of a week or more, is a break-in.

  • Find the Water Valve & Fuse Box 


The two things that are both of optimum importance for you to know the location of in your new build, in case of an emergency, or else even if you need to call out a repairman for a larger job, are the water valve and the fuse box. 

It would also be a good idea to keep a flashlight, a set of candles, and a lighter nearby, so if the power does go out and you need to investigate, the whole process will be a lot more smoother. Another technical consideration would also be to look into the differences between fiber optic vs cable internet and choosing the former. 


Introduce Yourself to Your Neighbors


Even if you’re not someone who enjoys being over-friendly with the people on your street and prefer to keep your home as your private sanctuary, it’s still worthwhile at least informally introducing yourself to the neighbors. 

Not only will this make for a pleasant atmosphere and day-to-day existence on the street, but should you need a parcel kept when the mailman calls and you’re not home, your cat fed when you’re away on vacation, then your neighbors will be there to help out.

In addition, another reason to be friendly with your neighbor is in the context of safety and security, as the more people who keep their eye on your property, the less chance there is of opportunistic burglars succeeding in targeting your home.