How To Save Money On Commercial HVAC Units?

Commercial HVAC

HVAC systems are a basic requirement in every commercial building and institute. The systems help maintain a comfortable and safe environment for employees and customers of the business. However, the expenses related to operating and maintaining these systems can be significant, particularly for big commercial buildings. 

Reducing commercial cooling and heating system expenses seems impossible to many people. But experts from AC repair, Frisco, Texas know quite a few tips and tricks that help reduce the operating expense of commercial HVAC systems. In this article, we will provide these cost-cutting tips while ensuring a comfortable working environment. 

7 Tips & Tricks On Cutting Down Commercial HVAC Operating Cost

There are several expert tips and tricks that help businesses to reduce the cost of operating HVAC units. These include regular scheduling servicing, timely upgrades, and many more. Let us check a few easy and cost-cutting HVAC tricks. 

  • Regular HVAC Servicing:

Ensuring a delightful and cozy work environment in the workspace is essential to keep the employees motivated. Commercial HVAC systems typically work much harder compared to the residential units we rely on. These commercial units require more frequent repair and replacement works to prevent breakdowns or avoid high repair bills. 

Scheduling inspections on a regular basis is quite important to identify the smallest problems or signs the system displays. Not only that, but regular servicing allows the unit to maintain its efficiency. Thus, resulting in a reduced operating cost. For great quality servicing and AC repair, Frisco, Texas, has several top-notch and highly experienced technicians available.

  • Ensuring Proper Upgrades: 

The usual lifespan of a commercial HVAC unit is between 10 to 15 years. In a few cases, the longevity of the system extends up to 20 years. But the performance of the HVAC unit deteriorates over time. Not only that, but the consumption of energy by the unit also increases by a significant amount. 

Ensuring proper HVAC upgrades help the system maintain its efficiency correctly. It also controls energy consumption and maintains a proper level. Lastly, these upgrades ensure that the system does not contribute to any additional operating costs.

  • Focusing On Insulation 

Commercial buildings are huge, with several rooms, floors, and so on. There are several ducts, vents, windows, etc., in a commercial complex to ensure a cozy ambiance and proper temperature. Oftentimes, the cold or hot air from the HVAC systems escapes the building through these vents, windows, and so on. 

In order to avoid this, ensuring proper insulation is necessary. This helps the unit distribute the air evenly through the building and prevents it from escaping. Make sure that the vents or ducts do not have any leaks and that the doors or windows are properly shut.

  • Relying On Smart Controls 

The HVAC technology in both the residential and commercial sectors is quite advanced in today’s date. Smart controls have made managing and operating HVAC units much easier. Components such as thermostats make the heating and cooling system control easy and help to maintain a proper temperature.

These smart controls in the commercial sector ensure better consumption of energy. Not only that, it provides access to the systems from anywhere. On top of that, it helps businesses to decrease the operating costs of the units. 

  • Ensuring Proper HVAC Size 

The size of commercial HVAC units is quite larger than the typical residential models we see in our homes. This is because offices or workspaces are bigger and require more cold or hot air for a comfortable temperature. However, even in this case, ensuring that the proper HVAC size is installed is a must.

Make sure that the air conditioner or heater installed in the room matches the requirements and required size perfectly. A smaller HVAC size will cause the system to work more and wear it out faster. On the other end, bigger sizes will not be able to maintain a proper temperature setting and consume more energy than necessary. 

  • Installing Energy-Efficient HVAC Units 

Commercial buildings such as offices, factories, and so on require a decent number of HVAC units. Business owners or managers often look for affordable HVAC units to cut down costs and skip the important factors. Ensuring that the system you are installing is energy-efficient is necessary without any doubt. 

The reason behind this is that it keeps energy consumption in check. Energy-efficient systems will consume less energy and provide outstanding performance. Therefore, the cost of operating the units also reduces significantly. 

  • Installing Proper Zoning Systems 

Last but not least, many people do not pay attention to the zoning systems. Offices and workspaces cover a decent size of the area, and the same temperature is not needed in every corner or part of a room. However, if the air conditioner is unable to control the temperature separately in different parts, the system will consume more energy. 

Make sure that you install a proper zoning system in various areas of the property. This will help to regulate the overall temperature in a more balanced manner. Not only that, but it will also help to ensure that you do not pay any additional amount as an operating expense.


HVAC units are a basic necessity in commercial buildings. The systems ensure a safe and comfortable ambiance for employees, along with customers. Replacing an air conditioner or maintaining its optimal condition can often put pressure on the wallets. 

But you can easily save money by reducing the operating expenses of the HVAC units. Make sure that you follow the tips and tricks mentioned above properly to ensure the right amount on energy bills. Consulting an expert for maintenance is always a better decision. For proper inspection and AC repair, Frisco, TX has numerous professionals and experts in the field.