Using privacy data solutions, patient data is always protected. Sensitive patient health information is protected using encrypted technologies that preserve patient information while delivering de-identifiable information to anyone reviewing the data. With representative instead of raw patient data, researchers and developers can conduct analytic and model training without viewing or sharing patient-specific information.
By browsing under general search terms like age and gender, healthcare facilities can find the information they’re looking for without identifying raw data. Additionally, with the right data privacy solutions, healthcare facilities can produce better patient outcomes while ensuring that information is HIPAA compliant. Never has the researching and viewing of data been so plugged into patient privacy.
Healthcare staff can set access permissions so that only certain people can use the de-identified information. What’s more, you can control what the data is used for and when it is accessible, all from one application. For more information on how healthcare facilities can protect patient data, read on to learn more about advanced privacy data solutions like Tripleblind solutions.
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Governance Tools Manage Privacy
Data privacy companies like Tripleblind Solutions utilize governance tools that make it possible to manage data, including when data is used, who can use it, and what it’s used for. There is also an automatic process that de-identifies the information you’re looking at without disrupting the outputs you would receive in raw data. The governance tools are easy-to-use, allowing healthcare facilities to adapt to securing patient data in improved ways without the hassle of getting acquainted with a new system.
Data Is Unmovable With Tripleblind Solutions
Within advanced privacy data solutions like Tripleblind Solutions, the data can’t move. Without moving data, it can’t get duplicated. Patient protection is secured with a contained exchange of health information. Not only does this protect patient information, but it helps generate more accurate results with the ability to use contained samples for research.
Providers Practice Secure Collaboration
All types of data are secured within the collaborative options that take place between healthcare providers. No matter if the data is structured or not, everything is protected to ensure security, regardless of the data type. With this heavy layer of protection, patient information is secured, no matter how it appears within the system.
Patient Data Is Secure With Reliable Methods
Tools like Tripleblind Solutions are rare to come by. In fact, it is the only data privacy solution that utilizes techniques taken from tried and trusted research approaches like federated learning.
Privacy Configuration Secures Data
With technologies that bring information together, privacy is configured, and data is viewed in a way that protects patient information and secures processes. Collaboration through unified technologies is the Tripleblind Solution way.
Get Data Privacy Solutions To Protect Patient Information At Your Healthcare Facility
Healthcare facilities can protect patient data by relying on data privacy solutions to protect information effectively. With methods to protect datasets and preserve sensitive information like PHI, Tripleblind Solutions give healthcare facilities many ways to protect patient data at all times.