DoNotPay makes your troubles with canceling Audible subscription go away


How to Cancel Audible in 2 Minutes or Less?

We have all heard about Audible. The chances are that we’ve all listened to it at one point or another during its 25-year existence. For those who have been living under a rock for the past quarter of a century, Audible is the leading producer and seller of audiobooks, TV and radio broadcasts, and audio renderings of newspapers and magazines in the United States. Its content is downloadable from proprietary software in exchange for a monthly subscription of $14.95 a month.

However loyal of a member you are, there comes a time when you no longer need or want a service to continue. That particularly holds true for online subscriptions — with so many of them offering free trials, it’s irresistible not to hit subscribe.

You have surely experienced the situation countless times — you agree to give a free trial a go only to completely forget about it just days after. Time slyly passes by, and before you know it, your trial has ended, and the company has billed you for your first month of subscription. And you are the only one to blame, as you could have canceled the service at any time. 

But is everything so black and white? Are you really responsible for the subscriptions you are unaware of? And is canceling them indeed that easy? DoNotPay, the world’s first AI lawyer is here to set the record straight.

How can you cancel the Audible subscription?

Like any other online trial offer, at first glance, this one seems rather straightforward — you sign up for the 30-day trial, get one audiobook free of charge, and are at liberty to cancel the service at any time. You also have to share your credit card details to begin the trial.

The way the service is advertised is somewhat misleading. What many subscribers are not aware of is that you cannot cancel the trial after using it for a full 30 days. At that point, the trial period has expired, and under the Terms and Conditions you agreed to when signing up, your subscription is automatically renewed for the next billing period. What you, like many other users, don’t know is that, after signing up for a free trial, you must remember to cancel it at least 24 hours before it expires, or you will be charged a monthly membership fee.

If you want to cancel the membership after using the app for some time, you can do so by adjusting your account preferences on Audible’s website. Bear in mind that if a new billing period has started, you won’t be able to retrieve those funds.

You can also contact the Audible customer service team to cancel your subscription. They will likely try to persuade you to change your mind or even try to offer you some benefits in order to keep you as a member. It will take a fair share of will-power to go through with your original plan to cancel the service.

The fact is, as long as you don’t cancel your subscription, the company will continue to charge you monthly membership fees without any notice to you. For that reason, it can easily happen that you forget about it completely, while the money keeps on dripping from your pockets.

Audible’s Terms and Conditions also state that the company is allowed to change its membership fees without notifying you in advance. That can lead to further dissatisfaction with the service as you are not entitled to refunds for previous fees charged.

Another point that aggravates users wanting to cancel their membership is that any credit (Audible’s currency) that remains on the account at the time of cancelation is non-refundable. It will disappear into thin air unless you spend it before you cancel the service.

How much do people spend on services and subscriptions?

According to a 2018 study, 84% of people underestimate what they spend on subscriptions each month. The study also showed that, on average, people cash out $237,33 a month on such services. It is no wonder that many people wish to cancel unused memberships.

Voluntary subscription churns are cancelations of services that users do willingly. The reasons are numerous, stemming from being dissatisfied with the service to not being able to afford it. Depending on the company, voluntary churns make anywhere from 60% to 80% of all unsubscribe actions.

DoNotPay is here to stand up for all of us who are dissatisfied with subscriptions repeatedly renewed without our notice. The process is as easy as it can get. The app helps you cancel subscriptions and unnecessary services in only a few steps. You can also claim compensation for services you’re unhappy with and even take companies to small claims court with this nifty app. Many people have tried to fight for their rights on their own and get a refund for months of unsuspecting memberships. Who has lived to tell the tale? Find out more about DoNotPay.