How to Cook Salmon in the Oven: Salmon in Oven Recipe

How to Cook Salmon in the Oven

Salmon is among the most popular fish types people all over the world prefer to chow down on. The awesome thing, besides its taste, of course, is that there are scores of different ways to cook salmon. However, not many people have an idea of how to cook salmon in the oven. While many will simply pan-fry the fish, baking it in the oven is among the simplest ways to cook it. Also, the fish takes on a whole different flavor when you bake it.

But the reason this way of cooking can be tricky is that not many people are aware of what kind of temperature to set the oven at, what kind of oven-baked salmon recipes to follow, and what kind of salmon to use. But fret not! This only seems difficult. It is actually quite simple to bake salmon – provided you do it the right way. So, want to learn how to cook salmon in the oven? Then let’s get started!

Why Is Salmon So Popular?

We will definitely tell you how to bake salmon the proper way. Before that, however, let’s first take a look at why this particular species of fish is such a popular choice when it comes to seafood. Even those who don’t prefer seafood won’t really turn down a perfectly cooked, mouthwatering salmon. So, what makes salmon so popular among food lovers?

There are scores of reasons why salmon is among the most popular food choices around the world. The health benefits it holds are incredible and countless. Also, there are scores of varieties of this amazing fish. Before you learn how to cook salmon in the oven, let’s take a quick peek at the incredible nutritional value of this popular seafood.

Salmon is super-rich in nutritional value. It is loaded with astaxanthin, a protective antioxidant that is a high source of energy. Besides high-quality protein, salmon also contains several minerals such as selenium, potassium, and vitamin B12. That being said, one of the major reasons salmon is so popular is that it is loaded with omega 3 fatty acids. This has made salmon an incredible “brain food” among health and fitness enthusiasts.

How To Buy Salmon

Before we tell you the right way to cook salmon in the oven, let’s first discuss how you should buy this type of fish. Yes, there is a trick to it and not everyone is aware of it. You don’t just pick up a fish that you think “looks good enough.” This is true of any fish, or meat for that matter, not just salmon. You need to be sure that the product you buy is of the topmost quality and does not pose any health risk.

The thing you should now about salmon before you buy it is that it comes in a lot of different varieties. Go to a marketplace that has at least most of these popular salmon varieties if not all of them. This way, you’ll have a lot of choices and can take your pick out of the lot. So, what kind of salmon should you buy? Take a look below!

Best kind of salmon to buy: King salmon, Spring salmon, Quinnat salmon, Tyee salmon, Silver salmon, and Blueback salmon among others. Most of these are available all over the country. Take your pick but be precise as you still need to learn how to cook salmon in the oven. The main thing is to just make sure the salmon is fresh.

Storing Salmon

Salmon can be bought fresh, frozen, as fillets, smoked, or canned. No matter which type you buy, you can learn how to cook salmon in the oven the proper way as any of these will fit into the recipe. However, if you wish to really bake salmon, using fresh one is highly recommended. You can store frozen salmon in the refrigerator. The canned one will also need to be put into the fridge once it is opened. If you’ve left the salmon refrigerated for too long, it’s best not to use it.

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When you buy fresh salmon, make sure the eyes are clear and not sunken or cloudy. This is how you will identify that the fish in question is fresh. You should also rely a bit on your sense of smell when buying fresh salmon. If you cannot eat fresh salmon immediately the day you buy it, the best way to store it is by freezing it. Keep in mind that once you have thawed frozen salmon (or any meat, for that matter), it should not be refrozen. You must consume it the day you thaw it.

Best Oven Baked Salmon Recipes

To help you learn how to cook salmon in the oven, we’ve got you the best oven-baked salmon recipes around. These salmon recipes are easy to follow and you can be sure that your salmon will turn out perfect! Pore through these salmon recipes as carefully as you can and zero in on one you find easiest to attempt. This will be especially helpful for those who’re attempting to bake salmon for the very first time. Check out the recipes below!

Oven Baked Salmon Recipes

Recipe 1

Ingredients required

  • 1 to 3 pounds of salmon fillets with the skin on
  • Lemon wedges
  • Olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Salt

Method to prepare

1. Take a baking sheet or roasting pan and line it with foil. Place a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat it to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Take the salmon fillets and pat them dry. Use a paper towel to pat them dry and do it as gently as possible.

3. Take olive oil, salt, and pepper, and gently rub it on the salmon. Make sure to drizzle a bit of oil on each of the salmon pieces so as to properly coat them. You can use a pastry brush or your fingers to do this. Add the pepper and salt to the salmon pieces.

4. Take the roasting pan lined with foil. Place the salmon in the pan skin side down. Place the pan in the preheated oven.

5. Set the timer and roast the salmon about 5 to 6 minutes as per half-inch of thickness of the salmon. Measure the thickest part of the salmon to determine the exact amount of time you need to roast it.

6. Roast the salmon for 4 minutes if you want it a bit rare. Roast it for around 6 minutes if you want it done well.

7. If you see the salmon easily flaked, you will know that it’s cooked. Additionally, you can use a fork to check if the salmon is done. Another alternate way to see if the salmon is cooked is through an instant-read thermometer. Use it at the thickest part of the salmon. 145 degrees Fahrenheit is the recommended minimum internal temperature.

8. Serve the steaming and delicious salmon fillets instantly. This is among the easiest oven-baked salmon recipes around.

9. Leftovers can be refrigerated for about 5 days. You can reheat them in the oven or use them cold.

Oven Baked Salmon Recipes 2

Recipe 2

Ingredients required

  • 12 ounce of salmon fillets cut up into 4 pieces
  • Ground black pepper
  • Baked squash (optional) for serving
  • Coarse-grain salt
  • Almond parsley salsa

For toasted almond parsley salad

  • Coarse-grain salt
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 tablespoon capers
  • ½ cup toasted almonds
  • 1 cup flat-leaf parsley
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Method to prepare

1. Take a nonstick baking pan or tray. This is among the most popular oven-baked salmon recipes to try out for first-timers.

2. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the salmon fillets in the non-stick tray skin side down. Sprinkle the salmon fillets with pepper and salt.

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3. Bake for approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Check if the salmon is done using a fork or a tester. Leave it for a minute or two more if you wish to.

5. Garnish with squash and toasted almond parsley salad.

How to make Toasted Almond Parsley Salad:

  • Take a shallot and mince it.
  • Add the minced shallot to a small bowl.
  • Pour vinegar over the shallot. Add salt to taste.
  • Let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Take a cutting board and roughly cut into pieces the capers, almonds, and parsley. Add them to the minced shallot mixture.
  • Add olive oil to the mix.
  • Mix well and adjust the seasoning as per requirement.
  • Serve with baked salmon.

Oven Baked Salmon Recipes 3

Recipe 3

Ingredients required

  • 12 ounces of salmon fillets with the skin on
  • 2 tablespoons of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon dried dill
  • Olive oil, as much as required
  • 2 tablespoons chopped basil
  • 1 finely chopped shallot
  • 1 tablespoon of finely grated zest of one lemon
  • Generous amount of sea salt

Method to prepare

1. If the salmon is frozen, thaw it for about 30 minutes prior to the cook. Leave it on the kitchen counter at room temperature. This is among the best oven-baked salmon recipes for those who love the smacking combination of herbs and lemon.

2. Take a pan and fill half of it with water. Place it on the lower rack of the oven and preheat it to about 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Make the herb paste. Take the shallot, basil, parsley, and other herbs and finely chop them. Take the lemon and zest it. Place and mix the chopped herbs, shallot, and the lemon zest in a bowl. Add olive oil to the bowl and mix until you see it come together as a rough paste.

4. Take a rack and lightly oil it. Place the rack on the baking tray. Take the salmon fillets and place them on the rack skin side down.

5. Coat the salmon fillets over the top with the herb mixture. You can try coating the sides of the fillets but they generally tend to fall off.

6. Let the salmon bake for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. When you place the salmon in the middle rack of the oven, make sure to shut the oven lid as quickly as possible. If the fillet is thicker than usual, you will need to leave it in the oven for a bit longer than the suggested time.

7. When the timer is done by 20 minutes, check the salmon once. Take the salmon tray out of the oven and make sure to shut the lid quickly as you don’t want to let the heat escape it. You can use a knife or a fork to go into the deepest or thickest part of the salmon. If it separates in flakes, you will know that the salmon is cooked. If it doesn’t, you will need to let the salmon fillets sit for another 5 minutes in the oven.

8. Garnish the baked salmon with salt and other condiments you wish to add. If you wish to remove the skin from the salmon, use a spatula to do so.

More Oven Baked Salmon recipes

Serve the delicious and hot baked salmon immediately!

These are just some of the many ways when it comes to mastering how to cook salmon in the oven. You can take your pick out of the above three oven-baked salmon recipes or find another one if you wish to. However, just make sure that the salmon you use is of the best and topmost quality as all of these oven-baked salmon recipes require it to be so. Yes, you can bake frozen salmon as well. But it simply won’t have that same magic as the fresh one.

So, if you wish to truly learn how to cook salmon in the oven, make sure to use fresh fish at least for the first time around. Also, if you know of any other oven-baked salmon recipes, be sure to let us know! Share this article with other seafood lovers if you found it useful. Don’t forget to give us alike!