5 reasons your website and content aren’t ranking well

website and content ranking well

A successful website isn’t just about looking good. It’s about being found. And when it comes to boosting rankings in the SERPs (search engine results pages), you have to ask the question, “why does ranking in the SERPs matter?” Let’s see the 5 reasons your website and content aren’t ranking well.

Ranking organically in search engines is a great way to boost your overall website traffic.

Having a top ranking is essential in today’s world. Depending on what keywords you choose on your page, it boils down to the number of searches in a niche or topic that your website could be ranked in. It starts from the title, contents, meta description, and selecting the right target keywords.

A study by BrightEdge analyzed numerous websites and showed that 51% of the traffic for B2B and B2C sites is driven by organic search. (Source: MonsterInsights)

This article will unpack some specific reasons why ranking your website and content is very important for your long-term success and how SEO services can help.

Five Reasons your website and content aren’t ranking well

There are plenty of reasons why you want your website and content to rank well. It can bring in revenue, traffic to your site and build trust with customers. But many websites don’t achieve good rankings due to one key reason: they don’t know how SEO works.

If you want your website to rank higher, make sure that you avoid the following five reasons:

1. You’re Not Targeting the Right Keywords

Keyword research is an art form, and it takes time and thought to master. All search engines crawl the web looking for specific keywords.

Widen your keyword search so that you’re hitting the search engines on all major devices and search engines display the first page of results based on how relevant your content is to the searched words. That means if you make a good tutorial on a subject people will look for in Google—and they’re going to find it—you’ll rank better.

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Keyword research is an essential part of SEO, but many beginners mistake focusing on one keyword at a time. If you break this down into smaller words, finding new ones and discovering new targets is much easier.

This is especially true if you’re using tools like Ahrefs. These tools allow you to analyze over 200 keywords related to your business to determine which ones are bringing traffic, form vs. registration vs. paid search, etc.

2. There Are No Links to Your Site

If you’re not getting links to your website or content, then something is wrong with your approach. You could have a great product, but if people can’t find it or use it, there’s no point in building anything.

If your website isn’t ranking, it’s most likely because you aren’t building links from relevant domains. Each link refers people to your site, but it’s not functional without the domain name or URL pointing to it.

The easiest way to fix this is by adding the site you want to rank on as an anchor reference when people search for related terms. The second most straightforward way is to make sure that everyone looking for that term sees your website as an option first, which will force them to search for you first (and it’ll only take a second or two). The third and most effective way is to purchase social media attribution.

3. You Don’t Have Fresh Content

It’s as simple as that.

Search engine optimization will never work if you don’t have fresh, engaging content on your website.

It would help if you thought about improving your content, so it ranks higher for queries that people find helpful. There are a few things that could be affecting your rankings right now.

If you don’t rank for the terms, you have profited from. Then it would help if you made sure those rankings are authentic, genuine and based on accurate information. That means writing, promoting and sharing an excellent content snippet day in and day out.

One possibility is that people are Google-ing related questions instead of your actual content (which can hurt your search engine ranking). Another case is that people aren’t just searching for specific keywords but also looking at images or videos that might appear on top when searching for particular topics.

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If you consistently get ranked low for relevant searches, it may be because your website isn’t giving users what they need when searching for information.

It’s about getting your content out there and giving people enough information to start researching you. You need fresh, original content to bring people back to you, leaving their minds wandering and searching for more about what you have to say.

4. Your Website Is Slow

Google has been very vocal in stating that it expects site owners to make their websites faster if they want a ranking boost. Slow website loading time (also known as slow page rendering or LVR) is one of the most basic causes for LVR.

If you’re experiencing slow page loading times on your website, then it’s time for an optimization strategy to help make your site load faster.

Ensure your site is optimized for speed by disabling all page caching and building auto-paging features (which can also improve battery usage on your device). Try out SEO tools like Ahrefs or Google PageSpeed Insights to see how much time your site is spending in server memory versus displaying content on the page.

5. Your Website Doesn’t Make Visitors Feel Valued

It’s easy to make visitors feel unimpressed by your website. Visitors might leave sites they regularly experience if they don’t feel valued.

Visitors can quickly move on to other sites in search of better experiences or more compelling content. It can be tempting to take your frustration out on your site’s users, but this will only make things worse because your visitors will associate bad experiences with your brand.

The solution is for you to make your site’s visitors feel valuable. Visiting a website that makes you feel valued brings even more value to your experience and supports the quality of your work.

The best way to improve your search engine ranking is by improving your website’s user experience, reducing bounce rates and increasing sales.

Wrapping Up

Rankings are what drive the success of a website these days. The demand for online promotion is rising as many businesses are trying to figure out how to rank their content. It’s also essential to perform a deep dive into your website itself – it needs to be well designed, fast loading, and friendly to search engines. Your website and content are the heart of your business. Make it count!