Imagine that you are suddenly in need of some extra cash. You turn to your account, and all you see is fear and not too many zeros that you would like to see. It happens to the best of us. There are just things that you can’t prepare yourself for. So what can you do to help yourself? You should gain knowledge about where to look for quick money you so desperately need and then use it. Prepare yourself for the unexpected. Know your options to choose the loan that suits your needs the most. Here are 5 Types Of Loans That Will Help You Get Money Fast.
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Personal loan
There are three types of personal loans to look out for. You either turn to a bank, on-line lenders, or you choose peer to peer loans. With banks, short-term loans usually come at a higher price. You might find an attractive offer, but it is not likely. On the flip side of things, banks offer a level of security when you borrow money from them. The best option for you to consider might be to turn your attention to on-line lenders, places like . This type of loan would be especially beneficial for people without a history of borrowing money. On top of that, the process of getting approval on a personal loan should be much faster. The next option is on-line platforms that offer you to borrow money from other people, not a bank, not a financial institution, real people. Those with extra cash make their funds available for others to borrow, and everything is handled through the platform.
Payday loan
Another way of seeking fast funding is choosing a payday loan shop. This type of shops are usually available at numerous retail locations. The process is quite simple. You pay a fee for borrowing money, and you pay back with your next paycheck. However, this type of loan is cost-effective only when you borrow money for longer than two weeks. And you need to pay the loan back pretty quick, so keep that in mind. Also, before you decide on taking on a loan, make sure to compare different offers, as there are many providers of payday loans.
I’ll take you to the… pawn shop
Here is how it works. You receive a valuable item that you have on your hands, yet you don’t need it that much at the time. You leave this item at the pawn shop, and they give you a fraction of the value. When you repay the loan, pawn shop gives you back your property. If you don’t pay back in time, they make your item available to buy to the public. It is a tricky way of borrowing money when you are not sure if you will be able to pay back on time. You can possibly lose some objects that have an additional, personal value to you.
Title loan
Also known as car title loans. This particular loan requires you to pledge your vehicle as collateral. You temporarily transfer ownership of your car to the lender, who until you pay back keeps it as security. As with payday and pawn shop loans, you pay off car title loan pretty fast, usually within a month. This loan also tends to have a high cost, so be sure to check if you can afford to pay back before you decide on a title loan. You don’t want to end with a mean of transportation.
Payday alternative loan
PALs were designed by credit unions to prevent people from choosing high-cost payday loans. Payback alternative loans are small (range from $200 to $1000) and they have limited application fees. You have to pay them back in six months, which is not bad considering other options. When you need some cash, but not a lot, PALs should be your loans of choice. And just because banks and credit unions offer them, they are safer for you as a customer.
Nobody wants to become indebted, but there are situations in life, like emergencies, accidents, when you just can’t escape borrowing money. When this time comes, be sure you have enough knowledge to make the most appropriate decision for yourself. Choose one of the five types of loans from the list, but keep in mind all the responsibilities that come with being in debt. Getting money fast seems easy, but paying it back tends to be complicated. Don’t make it harder for yourself.