Safety consultants routinely inspect various workplaces to identify any signs of hazardous working conditions, including exposed electrical wiring and potentially dangerous machinery. The following article goes over the services and procedures used and how they can affect your business for the good.
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Safety Audits
Safety audits provide businesses with an effective tool for refining their procedures and policies based on real-world challenges and needs. By evaluating specific work processes or conducting general area walkthroughs, an effective audit provides actionable data to help strengthen areas of need while building upon past successes.
Once all relevant information has been compiled, an auditor will produce a report that clearly identifies any significant issues and provides suggested corrective actions and an assessment of urgency and severity for each issue identified. Consultation from an outside consultant like may prove especially valuable during this step. They often offer insight and recommendations for improving overall business safety programs, making them great options for many.
Planning can ensure the best outcomes from an audit, providing both auditors and employees enough time to prepare. Planning also gives auditors time to gather any additional background information they might need from previous reports or regulations; using a comprehensive safety management platform is another great way to streamline this process by centralizing information storage for easier access and future reference.
Safety Training
Safety training can help prevent workplace accidents and emergencies while equipping employees to respond in the event of one. Effective safety instruction involves teaching workers to recognize hazards and take appropriate actions; developing a culture of reporting incidents promptly; and setting clear expectations that all employees must abide by.
Training should be tailored specifically to the job tasks at hand and tailored to each employee’s level of knowledge and experience. Utilizing job hazard analysis can help identify any individual risks for each work activity and the best training method to address them.
In general, workers should receive instruction on techniques for recognizing and avoiding hazards as well as using administrative controls (remove, substitute, isolate, or use administrative controls first before resorting to personal protective equipment) before resorting to PPE (see hierarchy of controls for control methods).
Tracking incident information and training requirements are just part of the job; keeping current with regulatory agencies such as OSHA requires regular updates on training requirements. New mandates or standards could emerge at any time; therefore, your training must also change accordingly.
To streamline your training efforts, consider using an online learning management system such as Spring Learn to consolidate all your training in one central location and automatically notify employees when it is time for refresher courses. This system includes gasification features to motivate teams and foster positive learning experiences – something especially helpful if your company employs workers across various locations or seasonal workers.
Safety Inspections
An effective inspection should consider every element of the work being conducted, from the environment and tools to equipment and employees. To ensure an efficient process, employees who regularly complete this job should be involved in the inspection process as part of its overall evaluation.
Document the findings from your inspection by outlining each problem and the estimated timeframe for resolution. Provide this information to all participants involved with the inspection and arrange a follow-up meeting to make sure that every issue has been dealt with effectively.
Implementation of recommendations from safety inspections demonstrates to employees that their company is dedicated to creating a safer workplace and creates a virtuous cycle of improved compliance, risk mitigation, worker engagement, and productivity resulting in greater business outcomes.
At the conclusion of an inspection, an individual should be appointed to develop corrections for every problem identified during it. A timeline should also be set aside for corrective actions taken, while follow-up meetings must take place regularly to monitor progress, and ensure all issues have been addressed, and actions taken have had their intended effects.
Accident Investigations
An accident is defined as any unwanted event that causes harm or damage to people, property, or the environment. Accidents may result from human error, equipment failure, environmental conditions, or other sources. After an incident takes place, it must be investigated immediately to observe its circumstances, collect evidence, and interview witnesses while also helping prevent its destruction and distortion of facts.
According to this article – an effective accident investigation requires the investigator to identify the source of an incident. To do this, an in-depth analysis must be made of what led up to it – such as human error – which should then be addressed to prevent similar accidents from recurring in the future.
Investigation processes should include taking photos, observing the scene, reviewing maintenance, and training records, interviewing witnesses, preparing a written report to send to appropriate people within your company, and an effective consultant should also provide sample investigation forms, questions, and witness statement forms so your organization can quickly collect all pertinent data.
Investigating the root cause of an incident can help your organization avoid similar accidents in the future. This analysis can highlight flaws in current health and procedures that need to be corrected, thus increasing business compliance with laws. It may also reveal workers’ compensation or liability claims which require resolution.