Take A Look At The Newest Access Control Technologies of 2023

Best security solutions come with longevity and future-proofing. They meet customer expectations as they adapt to changing circumstances and desire greater returns on investment. Technology provides more options for businesses and homeowners to maintain safety. While you only need one type of security access for your building, different employees can have varying access levels relevant to their jobs.

With digital advancements, access control technology is changing from traditional physical techniques to digital systems. COVID-19 further accelerated the adoption of work and safety technologies, and we anticipate more growth in 2023. The bias is towards built-in cyber defense, higher automation levels, and health monitoring tools to deal with the weak legacy systems points.

Read on for the new access control technology of 2023.

Cell Phones For Work Key Cards

Statistics reveal that more than 80% of the US population has smartphones. No wonder companies give their workers cell phone badges to access doors. Cell phones are efficient, unlike key cards that employees could easily misplace or leave at home. Very few people can forget their phones when going to the office, and using it to enhance access control security is a plus.

Cloud Based Control

Cloud hosting allows us to store information on remote servers, eliminating the need for hard drives and physical servers, which consume energy and space. Management of the cloud-based systems is possible remotely, and your team can work from any location.

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Cloud-based new access control technology will enhance your security as you can control access and limit it to those you want. The system also undergoes constant monitoring, and your details are safe.

Video Use For Building Access

Video access is likely to thrive in 2023. This new access control technology lets you see who wants access before admitting them, hence more security. In the video intercoms, the building visitors can request access from admins through video chat. This way, they can see the other person on the line before granting them access.

Contactless Access Control Technology                          

The COVID-19 pandemic restricted individuals from touching surfaces to prevent its spread. This limitation made the contactless new access control technology vital if companies were to remain operational. Trending contactless access control is facial recognition, with biometric tech also penetrating the market.

In 2023, we expect new access control technologies, including iris and voice recognition. Contactless fingerprint tech will also come in handy in preventing the spread of germs during biometric access.

The Multi-Factor Authentication

Having more ways to identify your visitors contributes to your security, and multi-factor authentication in 2023 will do this. The multi-factor new access technology relies on two verification methods: passwords, key cards, and biometrics.

Consider New Access Control Technology To Secure Your Business In 2023

Studies of the market trends reveal a demand for the collaboration of systems to balance the acquisition of information and business processes. The above modern access control systems offer more than security to buildings to provide information to respective parties. System unification will streamline processes, improving a business’s operational efficiency.

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