How Automation helps in Account Provisioning

How Automation helps in Account Provisioning

Automation in Account Provisioning is an automatic process of providing, analyzing, and managing access to an organization’s Information Technology (IT) resources, data, systems, tools, etc. It is a form of enrolling within an IT environment that automatically adjusts access provided to the user based on a change in their role, such as getting a promotion or quitting the organization. This helps increase productivity and efficiency while also reducing the risk of data breaching.  

The ways in which automation in user account provisioning can help your company include the following: 

Improve productivity 

When onboarding a new employee, vendor, client, or anyone else who will require access to company applications or data, you’ll be required to provide their credentials based on permission levels.

Manual onboarding requires hours—sometimes even days or weeks—to create accounts, approve, and shift access requests to different stakeholders. This places a lot of burden on the Human Resources (HR) and IT departments, especially when you are furnishing a large number of users as you continue to grow your business.

Automation helps speed up the process of providing access to new user accounts and managing permissions, which eventually reduces the labor required by traditional provisioning.   

Save money 

Developing a provisioning system, implementing it, and deploying it can be costly. However, when you think of long-term benefits, you actually save a lot of money with provisioning. Automation cuts down both the cost of onboarding and the cost of operations.  

As a result, IT and HR departments get rewarded with a lot of extra time, eventually saving a lot of funds. In addition, by getting rid of manual onboarding tasks, the IT and HR departments have a lot of spare time and resources to spend on other projects. 

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Optimize transparency across users 

Automated provision allows users access to tools and applications according to their roles and permission levels inside the company’s Identity Access Management (IAM) system. This gives admins a crystal-clear picture of who has been granted access and for what purposes they are using it, allowing them to adjust permission levels accordingly.  

Manual processes create a lot of inefficiencies and lack transparency, while automated provision provides a centralized view of users and identities. 

Track and Audit 

After automating provision as part of your extensive identity management efforts, you will get an analysis trail of how user rights are being granted, who has been granted access, and which systems, apps, and data they can access. You can then track all changes and adjust the users’ roles accordingly.

IAM helps you by cutting costs and reducing error margins, which come in handy with manual audit tracking. Productivity sees a lot of improvement, and the work is much more accurate with automated account provisioning. 

Wrapping it up

All of the above make it clear how the automation of your account provisioning process can benefit you. Still, this process can get very hectic and time-consuming if you try to achieve everything yourself. Fortunately, cloud solutions like the user provisioning system by Tools4ever can not only save a lot of time for you but also save a lot of your company’s funds.