3 Ingredient Tomato Soup To Comfort You Anytime!

3 ingredient tomato soup

Whether it’s a Friday night or a Monday evening, tomato soups can be a comfortable go-to pantry item any day! But don’t you just wonder about the effort that goes into making it? Don’t you think it takes in just too much effort than it should? Well, if you are in that boat, we have something really different for you! With our special 3 ingredient tomato soup, you are sure to make this every other day.

Aren’t you interested already? We’re sure you are, so without any further fuss, let’s find out what the 3 ingredient tomato soup is all about and how you need to make this! Get rolling into our next segment!

3 ingredient tomato soup

Can You Really Make 3 Ingredient Tomato Soup?

Well, this is quite natural if you come up with this question! And we’re here to answer this! To cut a long story short – yes, you can tomato soup using three ingredients. And it tastes just as great as tomato soups that have more than 3 ingredients.

Of course, you cannot compensate for the taste entirely, but when you are in quite a hurry and cannot make it to Panera Bread and have your favorite tomato soup, this one is surely going to satisfy your tastebuds.

So, you must be already salivating. Let’s check out my recipe in the segment below!

3 ingredient tomato soup

What Are the Ingredients Required?

Now that I’ve told you that you could make tomato soup at home, let’s check out the top ingredients used. Here is the list that you need to follow!

1.     Tomatoes

Of course, to make tomato soup, you would need tomatoes. Ideally, using fresh tomatoes is the best. Because the boiled ones wouldn’t give your recipe the taste that you are looking out for!

2.     Chicken Broth

Ideally, you can use chicken broth; this will bring out the perfect flavor in the recipe and give it the taste you are looking for. However, if you don’t have chicken broth, you can go for plain water.

3.     Onions

Onions are a very important factor when you have decided on making the 3 ingredient tomato recipe. Some people use onions in the form of powder; for instance, instead of using onions, they take onion powder but ideally, using raw onions is best.

Other Ingredients You Can Use

Now that you know the 3 main ingredients let’s take a look at the other optional ingredients. These are ideally not that important, but the taste is like money. The more you have, the more you want it to be tastier. So, let’s find out for they are:

4.     Potatoes

Potatoes taste very well with the tomato soup, and you shouldn’t refrain from using it if you have a few at home.

5.     Apples

Many people think about how apples can go with tomato soup, but trust me, the actual flavor of tomato soup comes from apples. The slightly tangy and sweet flavor present in apples makes it perfect for one to have.

3 ingredient tomato soup

What Spices Do You Need?

As I finish the list of primary ingredients you need to make the tomato soup, let’s take a look at the list of spices that you would need to make this. Here are the following:

  •       Onion powder
  •       Garlic powder
  •       White pepper
  •       Whole spices like long, cardamon, and cinnamon
  •       Salt
  •       Pepper
  •       Butter
  •       Bay leaves

With these simple ingredients, which are almost present in all kitchens, you can make super tasty tomato soup. Now let’s take a look at the process.

How to Make 3 Ingredient Tomato Soup?

With the detailed description I’ve given you about the tomato soup, let’s take a close look at the top ingredients you need to make this soup. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1

Chop the tomatoes into cubes and the onions. If you are ready to use the potatoes and apples, cut them into cubes as well. Then add the whole spices with a little bit of salt in them and, of course, the chicken broth.

Step 2

Now you can let it boil till it becomes extra soft. If you are in a super hurry, then you can ideally use the pressure cooker. After about 8 to 10 whistles, you can turn off the heat.

Step 3

Once the pressure releases, open the lid and take out the bay leaves. Remember to add only one long as it would make the recipe super spicy, which is not the ideal taste you would want for a tomato soup. Then, use a smoothie blender to blend the entire then into a paste.

Step 4

Now take another non-stick pan, and add a little bit of butter. Don’t let the butter burn, then add around half an onion finely chopped. Fry it until it turns out golden brown. Then, add the entire mixture. If you think the consistency is too thick, add some more chicken broth or water to adjust it.

Step 5

Once it comes to a boil, you can adjust the spices accordingly. Add the garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, salt (only if needed, because you added salt while boiling it, and some butter does contain sodium), and some sugar. I add a little bit of sugar to balance out the entire taste. But if you think the apple sweetness will be fine, you can skip that step.

Step 6

Allow the entire thing to boil for around 10 to 15 minutes, and then turn off the heat. Garnish it with some butter if you like it, or add some fresh cream over it. Voila!! Your tomato soup is ready to be served!!!

A piece of cornbread with this super delicious soup would be just perfect.

Final Thoughts

Do try out this super easy recipe at home, and yes, don’t miss out on letting me know in the comment section below how the recipe turned out to be! Until next time, this is Vikram signing out!